Regarding Simon's Announcement

by AK - Jeff 33 Replies latest forum announcements

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We have known behind the scenes for a time that this was being considered, obviously.

    I just want to express my personal appreciation for what Simon and Angharad have done here on JWD. I found JWD just a few months after leaving the organization, and kind of believing that I was pretty alone in the world at the time.

    I think I speak for [though not officially] all the 'staff', when I say 'THANK YOU'. I am the 'junior mod' here, and was just finding my way around a little when this eventuality became rather obvious.

    Rather than creating a second topic here for reiteration of what many are saying on the other, I am hoping that this thread can serve as a launch pad of sorts for those who wish to stay in touch with others they have met here. I have made many friends here - there are levels of friendship of course. Before the digital age we now inhabit, all friendships were face-to-face for the most part. Other than perhaps the occasional long-term 'pen-pal', nearly no one would claim 'friendship' with those whom they had never actually spent time with physically. Things are different now.

    Xjw's have a commonality that exists rarely among others. Not only did we all share the same set of beliefs, but we had been encapsulated in a high control environment that created our lives for us. Our understanding of each other begins much more quickly than say former members of the same high school for instance. It is perhaps more akin to the fellow-feeling shared by those who went to war together. A bond that is understood almost without words. Though we are all moving into a real life away from the fantasy - we do it at very different paces and styles.

    I am personally going to spend the next few days gathering info from those who wish to share it - I want to stay in touch with many here. [I already stay in touch with many - but want to expand that list.] I see this as a chance for real and closer friendships to grow from this common experience.

    So, I don't know how others will do this - I just want to say 'Let's stay in touch.' The real reason we came together here [IMO] was for the friendships that could grow. I hope we take the chance to confirm those friendships now.

    Thank you Simon.

    Thank you Angharad.

    Thank you JWD.

    Now - let's get on with the advantages that this forum has given us in life.


  • jgnat

    I would like to echo AK-Jeff's sentiment. Simon and Angharad have been great. I've made more than a few great flesh-and-blood friendships through their board. I'm going to miss this place terribly.

    I would like to support the "Unbelieving Mate" community in a new way, and if it is possible, help those who like me, fell in love with a Jehovah's Witness. I'm considering starting a blog and a UBM network. If you are interested, e-mail me at [email protected]

  • faundy

    If he wants to shut it down, then that's up to him. I feel it has often been a power thing with Simon, and although I think some people were out of order, we all know there were certain excellent posters who were banned from here simply because they didn't play by his rules.

    Well, whatever. The only thing that bothers me is that I am positive recent events will get back to the Watchtower, and they will go on about how it is holy spirit, how Jehovah moved events to have it shut down (yeah, Jehovah controlled the gay porn threads) and how the apostates are losing.

    For that reason alone, I think this site should keep running as a sock in the face to all at Bethel.

  • LouBelle

    Ah I really will be sad if this site gets closed, but I do understand the why behind it.

    SOOOOOooo in light of that I was chatting to a mate of mine at work and he put up a forum goodie for us soon to be exJWDers on his site. Register at the following can serve as a temporary home.

  • *summer*

    Faundy wrote..."The only thing that bothers me is that I am positive recent events will get back to the Watchtower, and they will go on about how it is holy spirit, how Jehovah moved events to have it shut down (yeah, Jehovah controlled the gay porn threads) and how the apostates are losing."

    Made me smile:-) Only too true though...

  • ozziepost

    Well, Jeff, your thread didn't stay on-topic for long, eh?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Phoenix ...

  • yknot

    I found this site by sheer fluke, and wasn't looking for such.....

    In less then a year, I accidently found out I was raised in a cult.

    My whole life has changed

    So many are now leaving and it is just such a shame that this site won't be here.

    Within the last year I learned this site was probably the most trusted, the most lurked, and most influential of sites .... of JW nature

    I am just so numb, I think I have written this address out to so many I know who are doubting..

    Is there any chance he will change his mind, I don't really know Simon.

    Feeling like I have found out my hero, has announced he is dying from an incuable cancer at such a young age.

  • yknot

    How do we stay in touch if in many ways we are still quite new, shy, and just starting to attempt flutttering our wings?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Pick those you trust, send a pm, and take the plunge, Yknot.


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