I'm amazed - what happened in the 24 hours since I last checked in? I said the other day I thought Simon was getting tired of the forum, I'm sorry it's true! I feel sick and yet that's a tad unrealistic. Everything changes! I wish someone else could start a similar forum - but it would never be quite the same. I'm on the road and can't post much, so, so long folks in case I don't get online again in time. Oompa, sorry you feel so bad. As for everyone else, I haven't had a chance to read much because I'm out in the woods in a lodge with limited wifi access. It's taking forever to download even one thread. Good=bye. Good-bye. Good-bye. Lost in the woods, funny, eh? If anyone wanted to contact me, they wouldn't know how. Don't imagine anyone would, anyway.
Tell Simon why we want JWD to stay... our apprecaition...
by burningbridges 38 Replies latest forum announcements
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don't shut JWD down. Do you need more people to help you run the site? More contributions?
Please don't shut it down on account of the idiots that come here and cause trouble.
What makes you so sure, kerj? Seriously. Are you saying Simon is just messing with us? I don't get your post.
It's possible!
Maybe not messing with you, but it's sure nice to hear how important this site is.
Simon, are you reading this? We need you!!!!
What makes you so sure, kerj? Seriously. Are you saying Simon is just messing with us? I don't get your post.
Maybe not messing with you, but it's sure nice to hear how important this site is.
Hey, I don't personally want to spend hours and hours running and moderating a discussion forum. I like the freedom I have to just post and read and contribute when I have time to spend here. So, I don't mind letting Simon know how much we appreciate the site. I think he (and Ang, and the mods) deserve to hear it from us, and should have heard it from us without things coming to this. Whether or not he is shutting it down (which I think he should stick to his word, even though I am really sad to see it go), this thread is just about some waaaaaaaaaaay overdue appreciation, the way I see it.
Rachel -
I came here as GermanJW and one day I had to asked you to change it to GermanXJW. I have met wonderful people at the apostofests. The German board links here.
i just dont understand why he wont at least consider turning it over to someone
Simon did consider it, at length, and rejected the idea. He has very, very good reasons not to do so. It has nothing to do with legalities. It has to do with a certain group of internet predators (not the eeevil Governing Body, but twisted ex-JW's) who would torment whoever took it over.
There will be other boards. Personally, I think the splitting in to several boards with different flavors and interests, is better. There's safety in numbers. The target on your back isn't so big.
Simon did consider it, at length, and rejected the idea. He has very, very good reasons not to do so. It has nothing to do with legalities. It has to do with a certain group of internet predators (not the eeevil Governing Body, but twisted ex-JW's) who would torment whoever took it over.
Isn't it up to others whether they believe they are up to the challenge. Plus maybe they could remain anonymous if they wish.
There will be other boards. Personally, I think the splitting in to several boards with different flavors and interests, is better.
I disagree. I doubt I will be bothered to post on another board. Once this goes that's it. Other longstanding members seemingly are thinking the same. A lot of great posters never made it from H2O to JWD either. It is not all a case of "it all works out in the end". There is a better and a worse choice. Closing down the site is the worst possible choice.
There's safety in numbers. The target on your back isn't so big.
It doesn't work like that. Size matters, and to JWs more than most.
Jgnat you are in a good position to talk sense to Simon. Please for the sake of the rest of us get him to hand over to someone else if he does not want to continue.
Well I haven't posted for a few months, although I do "lurk" now and then. Nothing personal, I just think that as time goes on, I have become less interested in talking about JW stuff. It's going on 2 years now that Little Drummer Boy and I have been DA'd.
For months leading up to our DAing, this forum was a tremendous source of information, encouragement, laughter, and support for me. I started out lurking on a few ex-dub forums, but I always came back to JWD. In my opinion, it is the best ex-dub forum out there.
LDB and I were feeling very trapped in the months before our DAing and shortly after. The forum provided a relatively safe place for us to talk, joke, ask questions, etc. while the dubs were breathing down our necks. The comic relief was invaluable as well. Especially the Watchtower cover parodies. I'll miss those.
I was surprised to learn the forum was being shut down, but I certainly understand why from Simon's perspective.
I won't miss the jerks, liars, and a-holes that this forum has had. It's because of people like them that the forum has become so much more argumentative, hostile, and unwelcoming. All in all, it was nice to have been part of this forum. Thanks to Simon for putting up with all the crap going on for so long. Thanks to the nice, encouraging, intelligent, and funny people I've cyber-met on this forum.
LDB and I are definitely feeling more and more like ex-ex-JWs. We prefer to keep looking forward instead of allowing our past history of being dubs to serve as a ball-and-chain on our lives. Good luck to you all!
My history of ups and downs since leaving the cult is here on JWD. The friends I've made in that time are here.
We need this place and so do the ones to come out of the cult in the future. There is so much info here that is priceless, say it ain't so.