I ask this becauce I really think Simon has done this as well as one could. I have no idea at all why people would ever threaten him over this. Unless the FDS paid some moles to screw with this site! But the reality is....he really has built an EMPIRE and for the life of me, I can not understand why, with all of these people, a committee can not be constructed, so that this site is not divided into smaller ones! However, if I was the President of the JWD.... I would make it a pay site......and give this FORUM....a brick and mortar component. People would know my address and we as an Organization would make appearances......We would have sanctioned gatherings and socially become a legitamit society in our own right. Okay..............now for your takes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What would you do if Simon made you the new owner of JWD?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 15 Replies latest jw friends
I would leave the core essence pretty much alone. True, I would solve the problem of swearing by putting a bad word filter in and allowing the individual users to decide what "bad words" they want filtered, perhaps with a multi-level filter that blocks certain words according to the user's preferences. And I would have sections where people could post links to other apostate sites--including Silentlambs, Six Screens of the Watchtower, and Freeminds among others.
However, I would not tamper with rules against porn, breaking the law (anyone that willfully breaks the law can get the whole forum in trouble), and trolling. In cases where someone posts in Spanish, I would attempt to have software to translate it into English for those who prefer English (as well as having it translated into Spanish for those who speak Spanish and not English). Aside those tweaks, I think this board was run quite well.
Of course, that is more than could be said about some of the servers Simon has had to put up with that always went down.
I would tighten up the rules a little.
There would be a special forum for gay, weird people who think they are J.Christ himselv, and Hillary_Step/BTS style politics.
You would have to pay for these privildges.
Blondie would be a lifetime member. Barbara Anderson would have to explain to the group about sounding forth on that "wonderful big news that she could not tell anybody on blood transfusions , but it WILL BE THE BIGGEST THING EVER." After that, she is a lifetime member too.
But, then - that would be more control and autonomy, wouldn't it?
HMMMM. ... maybe, maybe....
If I accepted it I would hope my P/A would send me for a psychiatric evaluation.
I would be so happy!
:read the above in your best Will Farrell voice:
I wouldn't want to be in Simon's shoes, personally. But if I had to, I'd keep most things the same, but I'd add a social section, versus "friends" because alot of what makes it into "friends" is available for non-members to read and might be a tad off-putting. The social section would be members only and offer a chatroom, to avoid name-calling, etc., to make into the threads, for the most part.
I wouldn't make it a pay site, because that will not encourage newbies to take a closer look at the information contained within. People who didn't follow the rules would be written to by pm explaining exactly what they did that was offensive, instead of scratching their heads, wondering what they did do or say that got them into trouble. (In some cases, of course)
You know what, that's alot of work...I'll leave someone else to it.
Declare that everyone who wants to post on here must wear their underwear on the outside of their pants/trousers. This is to save on laundry. And there will be daily checks for compliance.
If people had to pay here. That is as good as shutting it down.
I'm sure some of the die hards would pay, but the new blood comes because its free.
I've been here long enough to see that every few months there is a group of new people here that are very vocal.
I'd hope the frig the code never broke and I would NEVER update the MS Server or .NET Framework
As far as, paying vs. newbies joining................do you not believe that if it was possible to read everything for free but to add a topic would be let's say 10 dollars per month that would seem reasonable or 50 dollars a year. That way it would keep a jerk from constantly coming on board at $10 a pop. However someone will realize that $50 a year is fair and could go along way for this FORUM!