ain't going to happen. I have both the finances and the network of computer know-how and yet he stated that it rather close. That's his wish and we need to respect it
What would you do if Simon made you the new owner of JWD?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH 15 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you Lady Lee...I listened alot before I spoke on this site................and your opinions and experiences on you-tube, were very important to me. This site that Simon created, was a very serious component for me to feel like I could take on life as it is!!!! I know you(LADY LEE) know more than I, and Simon sure the hell, has alot on any of us. It is just that for some of us on this board..............we wanted to see the WTBTS have to go dormant! Instead, once again it is us, who get the shaft. This board allowed us a voice and now we are sent back to the drawing boards.........of cource with the experience of JWD!.........which sure the hell is more than I ever recieved from the WTBTS. But it is still disapointing........that people would go after our GUY...SIMON....instead of DA ADAMS. Why is it, that, our hero's always get screwed...but never the Judge Rutherford's of the World?
would you stop....I'm serious....
Give it back to Simon..LOL!!.....I couldn`t deal with all the problems that pop up and up-keep required................OUTLAW
drew sagan
Do exactly what Simon is doing. Give a warning and shut it down.
Simon has already articulated quite well all the reasons the board cannot go on. It's a shame but he is correct (as usual).