It's already happening. Cut the head off the Hydra (just an analogy) and more pop up, exponentially. Whenever a leader gets taken down by an occupier, their job gets way harder because tons more warlords pop up. This is JUST an analogy, and in no way reflects my views of people on this board.
Why the GB/Borg should be afraid, very afraid of JWD closing.
by avishai 12 Replies latest jw friends
I like the way you're thinking, Avishai.
I will quote JamieBowers from another thread:
"Unless you think of it this way...
If the WTB&TS is indeed celebrating the closure of JWD, they better take a step back and think a little. The way I look at is that JWD has helped to train soldiers in an information war. Now, the soldiers are breaking up camp and ready to invade. While it may be a little difficult for JWDers until the dust settles, the society is going to have to face an army of people who are now well educated to the evil ways of the cult. And those well educated people are going to be all over the Internet instead of clustered in one spot."
~End Quote~ -
I agree
If they have learned any lesson from closing Quotes website (apparently not) then they would have seen that the only thing they've accomplished was that the same material has now spread over numerous other sites, some of which are beyond US jurisdiction
Tyrone van leyen
Yes evolution is a wonderful thing isn't it. Information can be a powerful tool,and the need for this to continue,seems constant. That is why,this became the biggest discussion board on the net and will continue to do so. There's something about the EX Witnesses. They just can't seem to get over Watchtower Bullshit. And it was unwittingly created by the Watchtowers own hand.
This sucess of this board must be mimicked and learned from. Even refined. But, just like evolution in nature, natural selection is what kept this board healthy for so long. The mods and Simon have wed out those whose goals run counter to board.
This is an information war and the more the watchtower acts stupid the greater the number of this community will grow. Shunning used to be their strength to keep them powerful and prove unity and now it has become their weakness.
In nature,a tarantula can kill just about anything. But,over millions of years,other predators evolve and solve the problem. They adapt to find the weak underbelly. In the Tarantulas case, a very small bug has learned to crawl under the belly of the spider and paralize it,to lay eggs inside. This eventually kills the Tarantula.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
My own funny take on the closure.....
That is one reason why I hope several of the sites take off. Already one of them is doing quite well (the JWS site), and a number of others also look promising.
Lady Lee
Let me be clear
The WTS has nothing to do with Simon's decision to turn JWD into a READ ONLY website.
This isn't a complaint to you Avi I know that isn't what you meant. But the rumors are running rampant like a wild brush fire.
I said something exactly like this the other day .
The WTS might gloat. Bethel's might cheer. Trouble-makers might rejoice.
But this is going to backfire on all of them.
JWD is NOT going to disappear. It is going to sit here as it always has. The only difference is that posting will stop. That's it.
BUT what all of those rejoicers don't realize is that dozens of smaller groups will be all over the web. And if some of those fail more will spring up. Each group will have its own flavor. And if someone doesn't like one group there will be others to try out.
This will be worse than they ever imagined.
Now let's just sit back and watch
If I were in a brawl, I'd rather fight one huge guy than 3 little guys. At least I'd be able to see where the blows are coming from.
Yes, the WT should be very, very afraid.