Why the GB/Borg should be afraid, very afraid of JWD closing.

by avishai 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    Personally I am of the opinion that they should FEAR THEMSELVES and we are small potatoes. They are imploding. THEY treat people like crap. THEY keep people from being educated. THEY impose Pharisaical rules on their masses. THEY are loveless, Godless and self important...

    JWD...a great place to read about what you already suspected was happening around you as a JW. A confirmation that it is indeed time to GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE.

    And the information that will be sitting here...that they CANNOT post to and argue with hehehehe....is invaluable.


  • lawrence

    Yes Avi. One negative thought, many who were new here, and with much hostility, will not be able to share with others positively, and mellow out over time. Many of us achieved much healing here. Simon facilitated, and thanks goes to him.

  • yknot

    Well my thought is with all those 'trapped' or tethered as in my case........

    Without a forum or others to vent too.... we are all gonna end up speaking like bethelites to other KH & family members say things like

    ....."well you didn't hear this from me but........."

    To all those trapped..... go and rediscover you KH libraries, that way you can seem extra spiritual while exposing your loved ones to the truth about wha the truth was around 1914-1933.

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