Thank you QL for demonstrating my point exactly.
Now why don't you run off and burn ants with a magnifying glass?
by cameo-d 100 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you QL for demonstrating my point exactly.
Now why don't you run off and burn ants with a magnifying glass?
Being careful is one thing QL, which I agree with, but accusing someone of purposely scamming (which cameo did) is another. And frankly, I am far more suspicious of that persons motives than Amama's. Look back through the posts of the two in question, that's all I have to say
Cameo sounds upset at what has happened to his computer.
F2T has a new computer with uptodate virsus protection and now she too is experiencing problems with hers. She relies on her computer for most things and could do without the inconveince.
Amama I don't want you to feel upset about this because F2T does have insurance and whatever has happened is fixable but it does have her worried.
There are many people that would not want a successful JWD successor. They have proven that there is nothing they would not do to destroy this community. I just hope that they do not succeed.
quietly leaving:I think a troll means someone who isn't who they say they are - you disappeared for a couple of days but then wha happened came on and said you were moving house. Anyway please forget it - I guess I'm being pararnoid.
Very sorry you guys have lost all that money - hope it wasn't too much.
I think you might be right QL.
opps sorry, my bad. I misunderstood wha happened
Amama was not moving house just moving site. Sorry about misleading you on that and my apologies to amama too.
All I got from that site is popups that were blocked by my browser. No virus or other problems, though--I guess if your browser blocks a popup, that blows your chances of getting a virus from that popup.
And now the site has moved to a pay site, meaning the end of the popups.
All seems to be working great this morning!! No more popups and it is continually being improved and refined. Membership is up to 273!
I have been on and off the site frequently since last Friday and I have not experienced any problems.
I ran my anti-virus program this morning and there were no virus's or other unwanted crap on my system.
There are many who are still not certain where they will be after the JWD closes it's forum. Whether you decide not to continue on any forums or the members here break up into splinter groups, I just want to say I have enjoyed being HERE and sharing this forum with all of you.
Just an early farewell if we are seperated. Thank you and best wishes to all.
I told everyone about my phone issue because it would have taken me off the site for five days and to hopefully get everyone to understand why I wasn't able to AFFORD a paid site until this Friday (which is the 15th...military payday). Apparently I was either successful in convincing the phone company to give me until the 15th to pay them before they shut me off (even though they told me it was impossible to do) or they haven't done it yet.........I'm not exactly sure how having a hard time making the bills on military income with six kids constitutes being untrustworthy...maybe someone could help me out with that one........................I really don't know what else to say. I'm sorry if I sound a little upset but I am. My husband and I have worked very hard on the site these past four days and it hurts that after all of that people are thinking we're "trolls".
I haven't registered at your site mama6, but you have to realize that people have been burned here financially and emotionally before and therefore, alot do not automatically take someone's word at face value anymore. With Simon's revelation that he's been harassed and stalked in real life coupled with suggestions from others that 'someone' would like nothing more than to get their hands on JWD posters' private information and wreck havoc in their lives, people are suspicious. Add to that the fact that you are a new poster, who has their hands full with six kids and are struggling financially to pay bills but starts a new forum in the middle of all this, and you might be able to see why some are leary here.
There's really no rush to get another site up as JWD isn't closing next week. To anyone who wants to create a forum, just take your time and work out the bugs before accepting new registrations.
Wise words Mary. I'm not attributing bad motives to anyone. Amama is OK in my book. But setting up one of the largest forums in the world really is a job for a team who knows what they're doing. Everyone just take a deep breath.