Lol, you know what this brings to mind? That Southpark episode about Mormons. ;-p
You're dead on about bible hopscotch btw. A person can say and prove whatever they want when only taking things verse by verse. Why do you think there are so many different forms of "Christianity" in the world today, or atheists think they have such a strong argument when saying that the Bible contradicts itself? You could always play bible hopscotch back and show that "Abraham tied his ass to a tree and walked fifty furlongs." That might be too aggressive though, even if it is entertaining.
There is one question I never got to ask my JW hounders b4 they decided I was of the devil and they gave me up for dead. That being that JWs clarify or change their beliefs on the basis that they have been revealed more of the truth, or new truths. But if God is "the same yesterday, today, and forever" and the JWs are a direct representative of Him, and we are told to be like Him ("Be Holy as I am Holy" and "Be perfect even as your Father in Heaven is perfect"), then shouldn't the JWs also be unchanging?
Anyway, it's clear that you have the "...wise as a serpent..." part down, so I pray that God gives you the insight and wisdom to turn your wife before true damage is done. Although I truly hope you don't have the "...harmless as doves..." part least from the JW perspective. ;-p
Remember, "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Rom 8:28