American Carrier Group into the Black Sea through the Dardenelles - American troops on Georgian soil -all a little scary
Georgia Situation getting scarier
by stillajwexelder 23 Replies latest social current
Octarine Prince
This is a who-will-blink-first moment.
Is bush crazy??
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From the Russian point of view, they were humiliated by losing the Cold War
They lost influnce in SERBAI ETC
The US insists on putting a missile shield in former Russian Satelites
The US has the temerity to invade Iraq and then cries foul when Russia invades Georgia
Now in Georgia they are on the Russian back door step
I understand the Russian reaction
Thanks for the heads up, stilla. I don't watch the news. But, this is a new item that interests me. Will read up on it.
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I never saw this on the news about American troops.
I agree it is stupid to provoke Russia or underestimate the danger of the situation.
Too bad for Georgia that they didn't own a large percentage of the world's oil reserves. US forces would have been there toot-sweet to protect them...
frozen one
People in all countries need to start voting for competency.
Hear, hear!! WIth any luck it will start in Denver when the delegates come to their senses and vote Clinton.
I think Russia has shown restraint, at least where killing inocent civilians is concerned; it could have been much, much worse.
Restraint? Oh puhleeeze. Russia is getting away with as much as it possibly can. Its actions have been nearly indistinguishable from those designed to completely overrun Georgia and assimilate it. It’s forces have penetrated deep into Georgian territory and even the Georgian capital. Theceasefire is nothing more than a scrap of paper to mollify the West and buy itself time. Despite this, Russia has overplayed its hand. They started this. The cyberwarfare campaign began well in advance of the events started in August. July 20th IIRC. It is likely that Georgia will lose its separatist regions, but this will repercur throughout the former USSR and Comblock. The ring is tightening. Poland just signed onto the US missile defense and signbed a mutual defense pact. This is just the beginning.
Edited on Fri Aug-15-08 01:06 PM by gatorboy
TBILISI, Georgia - A reluctant Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said Friday he signed a cease-fire agreement with Russia and declared in the presence of the chief U.S. diplomat that the West had behaved in ways that invited the invasion.*(oops... our bad)
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she had been assured that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev will sign an identical document. The United States says the pact protects the former Soviet republic's interests despite concessions to Moscow.
"With this signature by Georgia, this must take place and take place now," Rice said. She did not say what, if anything, the United States would do if Russia defies the truce.
Near tears at times, Saakashvili said he will "never, ever surrender" in the showdown with much-larger Russia.