Bush will never be described as brainy ......but Putin is pure evil!
Georgia Situation getting scarier
by stillajwexelder 23 Replies latest social current
Justitia Themis
......but Putin is pure evil!
Perhaps, but the Russians, for the most part, love him, and their economy is booming. As with any geopolitical incident, the issues are complex and overlapping. The Cuban Missle Crisis delineated the sphere-of-influence concept, which the U.S. is violating. However, oil is at issue, as the U.S. and Europe helped Georgia build a pipline that circumvents Russia. Bigger issues are looming. The START treaties are due to expire starting in 2009. Bush has not even started negotiations, so the next President will have to fast-track an agreement, OR Russia can start building more nuclear weapons.
Geopolitics is based upon the premise of controlling anarchy. How is it best controlled? By Realism or Idealism? Both? Can Russia or any other major power revert to stringent Realism and succeed in a more global economy? Can Idealism constrain bad behavior?
It will be interesting to watch.
'Bush will never be described as brainy ......but Putin is pure evil!'
Perhaps that's the only handicap keeping bush from being evil;)
S -
The Nothing Man
The whole situation is nonsense, it's like Punch and Judy, the same person controls both characters whilst the kids watching are completely unaware. War games, pathetic.