First, if you learn new truths that had been veiled before, and then act on them, you haven't really forsaken anything. You thought that the proper way to fulfill it was the door to door work, and now you realize that it was all a scam. Once you learn that, you stop doing it because you now know it's wrong. And you do what you believe is right.
As for me, yes I have revoked my dedication to God. Forever. Why? He never fulfilled His end of the deal, despite that it would have been extremely simple and easy for Him. Why, that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag actually exerted more effort to stifle my fulfillment than He would have had to in order to fulfill me! And I am supposed to glorify that? As this means God is not worthy of my worship as I was misled into believing He was, I have totally and permanently revoked my dedication to God.
Instead, I now follow the simple version of morals I learned in the "secret" society that I joined just to slap Jehovah in the face. So simple that most small children instinctively follow them. I do my best to do what is good for myself and society (of course, within the limits of my ability and knowledge) and try to avoid doing what is bad for self and/or society. And no guilt if I make a stupid mistake (perhaps because of bad information) or do what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger or God Himself claims is wrong but is not bad for self or society. As for actions that are neither good nor bad for self nor society, I just do as I please.