Are you are "born-in-the troof" JW?

by mustang 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mustang

    If so, you never had a chance to properly develop psychologically. You do not have the mental foundation to make a dedication.


  • james_woods

    What about a "dragged kicking and screaming into the truth" as a ten-year old? Does that count for any special consideration?

  • mustang

    Still w/in those "formative years", JW, the JW

    Pardon the pun; I will "stop the punishment" and I know that "use a pun, go to jail" is the law of this land

    Seriously, yes; it's the same. I'm not even sure that teenagers are any better off or prepared mentally. JW's penchant for using underage Baptism is still dangerously close to dealing with the incompetent.


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    You dedicate when you are "old enough to make a conscious decision."

    They stack the deck, though, by the indoctrination process. They inculcate the teachings at an early age. Wouldn't be a problem, if it were all TRUTH.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Just a little question here. Who is sick to death of that word "inculcate?"

    Does the average person really use that word?

    Can't we just use "pounded into" instead?

    I was seriously affected by being raised in that...thing.

    I don't believe that I matured very much from being a teenager of about 17.

    I'm better now, though.

  • yknot

    LOL my first KH didn't believe in child baptism..... 18 and up only.

    Well let me amend the statement above... in cases of emergency like impending immediate death or if Tribulation started we practiced bathtub dunking..... and a shorten version of the 70's vows..... do you as a sinner repent & accept Jesus as your saving redeemer provided by Jehovah God. (YES) The person doing the dunking then would dunk while saying "I baptize you in the name of Jehovah, Jesus and holy spirit" (Amen)

  • mustang

    "Inculcate" rather than "pounded into" may indeed be one fo teh reasons why JW-speak is so mind-numbing.

    I'm not beyind using 5$ words, but JW-speak has it's own stilted, bizarre style. I've heard so many times that reading JW lit is difficult.

    Somebody should do a college level type study about the readability (that is Homer Simpson style "booor-iiiing ness) of the magazine.


  • DJK
    you never had a chance to properly develop psychologically. You do not have the mental foundation to make a dedication.

    Oh sure, lets rub it in.

  • mustang

    Whoa, YK

    I have discussed Baptism/JW legal/Infant Baptism/Family Merit many times here. I once read every Baptism Vow I could find on the I-Net (over 30). But I missed yours


  • james_woods

    It was "encouraging" for you to "bring that out", Mustang. "It is reasonable, therefore" to say that although "the world" may not "appreciate God's food at the proper time", the "more spiritual Christian" will "understand" "through a trained Christian conscience" how important the word "inculcate" is.

    Our "dear brother" Michael Jackson, "in the moment of his stand before Satan's persecution" even had his bible study "Macauley Culkin" "inculcate" a "fine witness" to the court process of this "worldly system of things".

    "Many have noted" that such "help at the proper time" may well have "come from Jehovah's angels, our unseen guardians".

    Or, maybe he was just "lucky" -- oops, "fortunate".

    From the time I was ten, it only took be about another 6 years to learn to talk this way.

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