My wife and I now are organising seperation....she wants me to buy the house directly across the street from her!!?? The house is nice...polished floor boards etc. I think she wants me there for security as she is afraid to be alone. She doesn't mind if I have girlfriends their! However, I told her that would be too wierd, literally looking across the street at my old house, dogs etc!! Sometimes I worry about her mental state. She claims insurance guys are "following" her {she hurt her back at work} also she told me the computer was slow and someone may be spying on my PC??? She hasn't been sleeping well but she just started a new full-time job and with our situation, it may be stress. She is from a communist country so this may be nothing. She is a very angry, moody, person....her parents left her with the grandparents and cousins to grow up, which she resents. I feel sorry for her in a way. She's amazingly work she doesn't get on with many people, they call her "drama Queen" which is a nice way of saying bitch.
My soon Ex- wife acts crazy sometimes! Wants me to live across the road!
by Witness 007 27 Replies latest jw experiences
I can recommend some good meds! Seriously though it sounds like she's going through a very rough time for a lot of different reasons. And coming from a Communist country her fear of being watched may be very well grounded.....sounds like she still cares about you if she wants you across the street...
I hope she feels better soon.
Your wife IS crazy! Walk, no, RUN far far away after giving her a number to a good psychiatrist. Staying close to her would mean moer of a headache for you.But if you love her you might have issue with leaving her by her lonesome. I take the view that in these situations you have to take care of your own well being first so you can make level headed decisions. Divorces are very complicated and stressful so good luck to you in that shizzle.
I don't know your wife nor her work company, but I do know that when you work for who I used to work for if you were out on medical leave...they DO follow you. They follow you to find out if you are really hurt, or really sick. They take photos and they have a team that does this for a full time job.
And..people do get hacked and spied on through the computer. Now I don't know that your job would do it, but I have had it happen, and I have seen it happen to others. It is serious stuff and it does make you crazy feeling.
Just a thought. The worst thing is while this happens, most people don;t believe you and they turn away from you. In fact it is so odd I would have found it crazy myself until I had been there on both counts. I tend to really keep an open mind about what people are going through now.
Divorce is hard and cutting the ties can kill a person. It is emotionally draining and one cannot expect anyone else to make it through the same.
I feel for the both of you. It is a hard spot to be in.
Witness 007
I think as per normal she is more concerned about herself than would be weird bringing a girl home and waving to the EX and her boyfriend???!!!!
That is the strangest request! To ask you to move in across the street! What? So you can still be Mr. Fix it when needed? Isn't she the one who asked for the divorce? She can't have half of a divorce, it's all or nothing or you two will be forever tied emotionally and neither of you will be able to move on.
As for the insurance company following you Sparkplug is correct. My neighbors son used to do that for a job full time. Would find people who claimed an injury only to photograph them waterskiing or something!
Does she really want the divorce or does she want you to fight for her?
My friend is an attorney and just did a really messy divorce. The wife wanted the divorce or so she said. He said fine and in the end she really didn't want it but wanted/needed some real attention from him. He ended up happy as a clam and was looking forward to his new bachelor status. She was devasted and is in a deep depression even though it was she who originally filed. She self medicates now and is filling her recycling bin with empty vodka bottles.