My soon Ex- wife acts crazy sometimes! Wants me to live across the road!

by Witness 007 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    If I ever got married again, I would never NEVER live with my mate.

    I've heard of couples who get duplexes and get along great.

    Privacy is so important and next to impossible when living together.

    People get sick of each other in a couple of years and it's not a healthy set up.

    Maybe living apart but close wouldn't be so bad.

    A little distance is a good thing, unless one (divorced people) plans on dating and bringing home dates, then it's best if they lived on opposite sides of the country:)

  • Hope4Others

    I think she needs some therapy to help her cope with life...

    If your going to make the break You need to make it a clean one....

    Don't live across the street that would be detrimental to your


  • Satanus

    'She wants someone to hang around until the next guy moves in.....'

    Effing gross. Divide your stuff, file and move away!!! Girls often want to keep you as a friend after they are done w you. Are you gonna go for that??


  • Satanus

    'she wants someone to hang around until the next guy moves in.....'

    A guy to fix things, talk to, protect them, and drive em around. Kind of like a puppydog. But, the puppydog man don't get no bones;) Are you gonna go for that??


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It is usually best to make some tracks and long ones once you split. Unless there are kids involved I would recommend a new town or even a new state.....

  • mustang

    Move in across the street: then rent a room to the Insurance Investigator


  • mustang

    That's my mean and spiteful side; my real gut feeling is that the more distance the better after breakups.


  • wednesday

    I won't comment on anything but the part about she hurt her back at work and insurance guys are spying on her. That is totally and most likely true. They do it all the time. have known 2 people who did that for a living. I have heard all the stories they have told.

    also, if you have kids who depend on her income, you may won't to ask the mods to remove this thread as it could cost her the workers comp. They also follow the spouse around b/c sometime an spouse or xspouse likes to get revenge and will rat out or lie to hurt the other spouse.

    Recall Dog.

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