ok does this letter to congregation sound ok?

by dobbie 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobbie

    I didn't think they are allowed a DNC list over here anymore as it is aninvasion of privacy. I am d'ad hubby ain't but wants nothing to do with them.

  • rebel8

    I don't know what the laws are in your country, but you might want to specify what action you will take if they do not comply with your request. This shows you have looked into what to do next (you mean business).

    In my country the legal remedy is (apparently) citizen's arrest, followed by prosecution.

    I agree with the others that you shouldn't go into detail about Franz and other stuff. If this letter were to end up being used as proof in a legal situation some day, the police might think you're crazy (not because you are, just because they don't understand), or that you're part of the problem because you're perpetuating an argument.

  • LockedChaos

    My opinion

    Don't make it too detailed
    or put in too much information

    Keep it VERY simple
    No need for any more confrontation
    than is absolutely necessary

    Their eyes will glaze over and
    it will sound like an adult in a
    Charlie Brown cartoon

    A formal request for no calls to
    be made should be honored

    If not...............

  • proudassmonkey

    my thought is don't mention franz's book. they'll just label you apostate and not even pay attention to the rest of the letter.

  • willyloman

    It's a lovely letter and yes, it should do the job.

  • Hortensia

    State what happened:

    This week (elders name) called on our house whilst 'working' our street, despite our having a sign stating 'no religious callers' that he has seen before. I asked him to leave. He refused, saying that I was "not the head of the house." I asked him again to leave, and he refused again.

    State the problem:

    We have a sign that clearly states "no religious callers." He disregarded the sign and trespassed on our property. When asked to leave, he refused to do so, which is harassment in my opinion.

    Tell them what to do:

    Put our address on your "do not call list" and make sure that everyone in your congregation knows not to call at our house without permission. This includes phone calls.

    State the consequences for ignoring your request:

    If this continues we will seek advice from the police and our attorney on what action we can take. We will not hesitate to press charges against anyone who trespasses, or to file a lawsuit agains the Jehovah's Witness who trespasses on our property and the elders of the local congregation. I am sending a copy of this letter to the WTBTS headquarters, putting them on notice also.

  • dobbie

    thanks for all your advice

    Have just got to write it out a bit neater and do a copy for the main branch here, hubby not around for a few days but have asked him if he will agree to sign it with me and he says yes. He did start to write his own but it wasn't as good as mine lol! Thanks Hortensia i like the sound of yours and i will leave out Coc book, i was only going to put it in to wind them up haha!

    One thought though, if very inactive (of two years at least) does sign it, will that be seen as d'aing or could they d'f him?I wouldn't mind but i don'tknow whether to warn him (after i've posted it of course lol)

  • BonaFide

    When they come to your door, have you tried bringing up the child abuse policy? Or the 1914 generation teaching? I remember I used to love to stay at people's door because I really thought I had the truth and could help them. The more they resisted, the more I thought I was right.

    But when someone brought up something that made me uncomfortable, I would do my best to explain, but then I would mark that house as a Do Not Call. Wow, I remember how nervous I used to get when their questions seemed to make sense.

    I am assuming that you do not want to waste your time, but its questions like that that help people to see the false teachings they have been fed.


  • yknot

    IF your hubby backs out of signing.... you can still take some action.

    Your hubby is just gonna have to hide inside while you scare the beejeebers out of his relatives and JWs.

    If your hubby is not in sight, they can't claim jack....... you can ask them to leave or you will be calling the police. If hubby's Elder pop starts gibbering stuff, tell him to call ahead for family visits to see if your hubby is available and if he is invited next time, but until then he has to scoot immediately!

    If he doesn't leave... shut the door and tell them you will be calling the police in 2 minutes to remove them as trespassers. Tell them to mark the house as a DNC!

    Follow up with a notarized and certified letter to both the congregation and the branch demanding the DNC!

    Keep a copy and call the police anytime one step foot on your door mat!.....

    This takes your hubby out of the DF firing range....somewhat

  • What-A-Coincidence

    ask them how they would like to be persecuted if they claim to be true christians


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