The selection of the Society in 1919 as the Faithful and discreet slave after Jesus spent nearly 5 years observing them. Jesus must have had some good LSD.
What teaching did you find unacceptable that made you question the WTS?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's sad, R & R.
There was a really old disfellowshipped woman in our congregation that died; the funeral was all hush-hush - I don't think there was even any kind of service. Her crime? Smoking.
She was just something to be swept under the rug - I felt so sorry for her husband. A mild-mannered person gets the boot for smoking while a horse's patoot who has caused irreparable harm to 80 percent of a congregation remains in good standing with all privileges intact.
That's one of the first things I remember feeling strong enough about to voice my concerns.
Mrs. Fiorini
R&R, Are you able to talk to him? I bet he would welcome contact with you, especially since no one else in his family has anything to do with him. Part of my family won't speak to me since I left the WT either, but I sure appreciate the ones I have.
Being recently told by a couple of elders to "put aside what Jesus said" regarding no man knowing the day nor hour or it belonging to men to know the times and seasons.
Why did they say that? Because I wanted to know what gave Russell the right to claim he knew the day, times and seasons. -
Well the first thing that made me question the society wasn't so much a teaching but an attitude, that if you had family in the "truth" you were automatically better than any others who came in from the outside. If you came from a family of elders/pioneers you couldn't be touched unless you not only crossed the line but stripped naked and did a merry little dance on the other side of the line.
The teaching I found unacceptable was the way child abuse and others were dealt with, very underhand, quiet, hush hush treatment.
That the FDS who are in fact the ruling inner circle of the WTS have a monopoly of revelation and direction from God even at the expense of the other several thousand anointed as they say. Now why would god want to give them such a monopoly is something they never explain and indeed can not explain as it is nothing but a ruthless, blatant lie. More to the point the WTS charter states that only North Americans can run the WTS corporation.
So which one is it that authorises: divine favour or American corporate law?
AK - Jeff
The whole anointed/generation/eschatology deal.
I watched the number decline somewhat thru the 60's and 70's, then stagnate and stay around 8500 when the 'anointed' should have been dying off in droves. That lead to some deep investigation and thought about the entire dating and eschatology over time.
I saw a quote by a critic in a book once that stated that Jehovah's Witnesses would have to drop the generation doctrine before 2000 or be labeled a laughingstock. And then right on time a year later or so the bombshell 'generation change' in 1995. I was fired up in disbelief, but dumbfounded that no one else seemed to think it unusual.
It was still 9 years later when I finally added it up and left. But I think my brain was cooking that stew for the whole time under the surface.
I found the mess of rules about sex to be totally unacceptable. Not only were you not supposed to test drive a spouse, but there were so many rules about courtship that would give the hounders lots of tools to bust up a potential marriage. That was totally unacceptable.
However, it was not so much the rules from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger that made me question the slaveholdery. It was the arrangement from the local hounders that I should just meet men at a$$emblies that made me realize that, whether or not they were right, I would be better off not supporting them. And that drove me to look for problems with the organization, so I would not be stuck living forever in celibacy on Earth. And I found plenty of them once I got a computer.
It took over thirty years to break away from the WTS. But besides the terrible treatment of its members by the elders and visiting overseers, I think I was most disturbed by the arbitrary way the Watchtower interpreted prophecies. For example, there was nothing in the context of Daniel that indicated any other application to Nebuchadnezzar's dream tree other than to the king himself. And there was no references to it in the New Testament that applied it to the "end time" prophecies. Another example was the ridiculous application of the world shaking events described by John in Revelation that the Society applied to its own assemblies during the 1920s and 1930s. Add to this the mixture of its explanations of "type and anti-type" to support its teachings, it became clear that the Society wasn't "handling the word of truth aright."
That a battered wife whose life had been threatened had to stick around to see if the jw husband would choose to commit adultery or murder.