The last talk at the convention was about serving loyally with Jehovah's spirit-directed organization.
I had such a hard time sitting through it. Even last year I actually enjoyed it. It made me feel like my life wasnt wasted. But this year I sat there and felt like I have been tricked my entire life. (I go to several assemblies in different languages because I have friends there.)
Brother Pierce said, "The ratio of Witnesses to population is getting better and better, 50 years ago we were only a few hundred thousand, and there were three billion people, now there are 6 million Witnesses, so the ratio is so much better. But he didn't mention China, or Pakistan, or India or other huge countries with hardly any Witnesses. And his numbers didn't add up. He kept on talking about the lifesaving work. Then he said that he met a young brother who told him, "I don't believe the end is coming anymore because I was raised in the truth and Witnesses have been saying since I was a little kid that the end is coming." So brother Pierce told him, "That's right, and it is even closer now!!!" The audience applauded.
At the same time, I should mention that the applause seemed less this year, and he seemed strained, he kept on insisting that this is the truth, not with the same confidence of the speakers years before. It used to be like "Are we not so happy brothers? We are not suffering from depression like the world, or sad and taking drugs like the world, we are the happiest people in the world." Do you guys remember the speakers saying stuff like that? You could feel the positive vibe in all the friends. Now it seems like the speakers are sort of trying too hard. We all know how much depression there is, and sadness, and problems. So they avoid saying we are the happiest people in the world. In my opinion, anyway.
But I want to say how much this site helps me to understand what happens at the assemblies. For example, after reading so many of your posts, I am so much more aware of the "We have an enemy, therefore we are right" reasoning that goes on at the conventions. They mentioned Satan a lot, and how bad Christendom is. Brother Pierce said Christ has been ruling for almost a hundred years, so we are so close now to the end. He talked about the new system and growing to perfection, but he didnt read any scriptures about that. There was a long line to meet him after the prayer.
But it just seemed as if the arena was less full than last year. Plus a lot of older people. Plus the applause was less. And even his talk he just seemed exasperated sort of. Like he said, "Brothers, this is the truth. We are so close now. We need to read the Bible every day. And meditate. That is the best education, not a PhD. So do not lose your zeal brothers!!! We must continue to preach!!!"