Update on my situation

by BonaFide 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • lisavegas420

    I remember already being depressed, going to the meeting for some kind of reasurance and suport, ..... and being treated with this kind of cruelty,..... by the people I thought would care about me the most.

    Sorry you're having to go though this.


  • BonaFide

    Thanks everyone for being so supportive. I never realized that this could happen with my family and friends. When i was a missionary, I used to be able to almost ignore a lot of the stuff I thought was weird, because everyone liked me.

    In kind of a bizarre way, I am sort of glad to be accused of gross misconduct, because it is showing me so much about how it feels to be on this side of being accused. I used to be the big C.O. with the briefcase and the notes and the letters from the Society and the power to change someones life. What a terrible thing to have over another person.

    I did try to be nice though, and I tried to be fair. But I still kicked people out.

    Now I realize I was never better than anyone.


  • klydia

    "I am not sure why, they said they have a second witness against me"

    Hi, my name is Kyria. I don't know you, but it broke my heart to read this sentence. Witnesses AGAINST you? Surely, you aren't a criminal! Did you murder someone?

    The real world doesn't work like this. No, you shouldn't be treated this way at all.

    I know that when I got disfellowshipped, I thought I HAD to go to my hearing. I couldn't even entertain the idea of not going. Ten years later, I realize I could have just walked away. It meant nothing.

    You should do whatever you need to do to find closure, but please know that, in my experience, this is not real. It's only as real as you let it be. It's childhood schoolyard bullying. You can just walk away and leave them in their misery.

    Perhaps you know this already, but maybe you also need to experience it yourself in order to fully take it in.

    I wish you strength in whatever you choose to do.


    - Kyria

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