I have been an ongoing advocate for finding a way to keep it alive and operating. My interest in so doing is an understanding of how positively this forum affected me when I was floundering with finding a life outside the organization. Still, reality tells me that keeping it as an operational forum is likely a loosing battle, and I am honestly becoming OK with that. Life changes. Life in the digital world changes even faster than in most venues, and this forum has lived and thrived for a long time in that environ.
But, the reality is, that once I can no longer post here, I will find free time to do more important things in life. I have already discovered that once I knew it would close, I have begun to find worthwhile uses of my time offline. I was already beginning to 'fade' as an Xjw and headed toward being an ex-Xjw, which is the healthy end game I would like to achieve. In some ways, as positive as JWD was for me in the beginning, and until I healed to a large extent, it has become in some ways a drain on me now. I have become addicted, not to the content, for I have pretty well seen/heard/researched all that I want to regarding Jwism, but addicted instead to the act of 'checking the site' every day.
When nothing new is being posted here, I will find no reason to check in daily. I may on occasion wish to use the information that exists here, if Simon ends up finding a way to archive the site for posterity. But my online and offline life will improve as I find different avenues in which to be educated online, and free time to take better care of matters outside cyberspace.
We will miss this place, but this thread is about finding a positive way to look at the matter. So:
How will this closing benefit YOU? No negatives please. Glass half full comments only.