"Accept Jehovah's Authority" - Study Article 24th Aug

by passwordprotected 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • passwordprotected

    It's really rather remarkable that the title of this Sunday's study article is "Accept Jehovah's Authority" when you consider Jesus' words in Matt 28:19, where he said he had been given all authority in heaven and on earth. What space does that leave for Jehovah?

    The theme text is 1 John 5:3 which refers to the un-burdensome commandments of God. Quite what that scripture has to do with authority is puzzling, as it talks about the love of God not Jehovah's authority.

    Considering Jesus' words re. having all authority in heaven and on earth you'd imagine that the FDS in their wisdom would linger on Jesus' role in all things on heaven and on earth. You know, seeing as how he said he'd been given authority in those domains.

    Yet, the FDS pull off a corker; not only is Jesus mentioned only once in the whole article - par. 16 (and even then he's only mentioned in one sentence as the head of the congregation) - but they've managed to insert themselves into this notion of accepting (not Jesus' but) Jehovah's authority 4 times.

    They also roll out the old classic - John 6; "to whom should we go away to?" They assert that it's through the FDS that God (not Jesus) is caring for his people today. Therefore, we should not go away from the FDS.

    Another striking evidence of self-aggrandizing is in par.14 where they state;
    "For example, the faithful and discreet slave has been admonishing us to "stay awake and keep our senses." (1 Thess. 5:6"

    Very cleverly they - once again (this is a pattern most weeks at the WT study) - quote themselves as being the ones who said something from the Bible. In other words, God's inspired words come from them and vice versa.

    All in all, this article is an abomination. Not only do they remove Jesus completely from the picture, they deny his own words where he stated that he had been given all authority, but they - once again - slip themselves into the role that Jesus said he and the Holy Spirit would have, that of aiding and directing Christians on earth

  • passwordprotected

    What about when the FDS err by appointing child molesters, drunkards and fornicators? They never admit that either!
    I'm almost tempted to attend this Sunday so that I can hear the drivel that's going to be spouted by the gaping-mouthed masses. I'm tempted to answer in par.1, drawing attention to Matt 28:19...

    Thankfully for my still-in family I won't, but my wife is going to be there, so I can get all the news from her.

  • greendawn

    Good point, the FDS has virtually done away with Jesus and produced a jehovah centred organisation, they obviously do not think they are the church of Christ as they never dwell on this.

    Conclusion: they are at heart a judaic religion that pretends to be christian. Let's also remember they cut off most dubs from the new covenant thus removing them from the body of Christ.

  • passwordprotected

    ...and 99.9% of them refuse the sacrifice of Christ - the whole basis of the Christian faith - at their celebration of his death.

  • WTWizard

    I'll tell you what Jehovah has the authority to do: Get the fxxx out of my life and STAY the fxxx out!

  • civicsi00

    This article stood out to me, too. Without stating it directly, everytime they say to accept "Jehovah's authority" and to "obey him", they actually mean the Governing Body. By the way, aren't they supposed to capitalize the "h" when referring to Jehovah?

    Sadly, paragraph 13 is the peak of the article. This is what glaringly stood out to me: "We should humbly recognize that this is the way Jehovah is caring for his people today. Be like the faithful apostles." And they pull out John 6:66 and Matthew 24:45-47 to assert their authority. It's almost laughable considering none of the gospel writers or even in Paul's letters do we see that a "faithful & discreet slave" class was running the show back then, much less a governing body...

    So Jehovah likes to lead his people in circles? He likes to see them work hard for a specific year, and then when nothing happens, he blames them for it? I'm so glad my eyes have been opened...

  • jgnat

    How about the paragraph where they are to obey even if it does not make sense? They suggest that such obedience is not credulity, but rather trust.

    cre·du·li·ty : readiness or willingness to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence


    Pretty blatant article if you ask me. I hope thinking Witnesses are paying attention.


    The Watchtower Societies policy of putting themselves in the place that Christians put Jesus in is not new but it has become more blatant over the years.

    It is interesting to note the change that has taken place in the vows taken just prior to baptism. The two questions that I was expected to give an affirmative to are shown here:

    “Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognising yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his son Jesus Christ?”

    “On the basis of this faith in God and his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening holy spirit?”

    These questions, or vows, were changed in 1985 to the following:

    “On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?”

    “Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, in association with God’s spirit-directed organization?

    Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in the right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism.”

  • james_woods

    It seems to me ( a 30-year outsider who has not even seen a WT in all that time ) that posts here indicate that probably more than 50% of all study articles, and keynote speeches at the assembly are devoted to this "Obedience to the FDS" theme. Maybe even more than 50% lateley. In the old days, there were at least variety of topics - deeper doctrinal stuff, in fact. (all crazy, but at least a variety..)

    I just wonder - even a brain-washed-out JW must be getting sick and tired of this one topic being hammered down time and time again, wouldn't they?

    At what point is the continual badgering on this obedience and trust thing going to have a backlash?

  • 95stormfront
    I'll tell you what Jehovah has the authority to do: Get the fxxx out of my life and STAY the fxxx out!

    I'm with you on that.......

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