active jw's visiting here?

by Ronnie38 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    Me Sir - I am an active hypocritical JW

  • free2beme

    The ones that come, and are still active, are not always here in a hostile manner. Many are people who are living with Witness and active themselves and come here to ask questions, express doubts or their real feelings. In a place that seems safe and with a label that can not be taken back to them in their personal lives. I think it is small minded to think all active Witnesses are some hostile group of hardcore believers, who are hell bent on a debate with an apostate. That is a small percentage, and most of those are just plain hardheaded assholes.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    From the mind-reader that is sKally:

    "Yet, go door to door telling others they are going to die if they don't convert."

    Yep. That's one of my favorite Saturday morning activities. It's been having great results around here. Most of my neighbors really seem to be drawn to that message and I can usually convince at least 1 or 2 per year to sign up when I use the approach you mentioned.


  • garybuss

    Witnesses don't have doctrines, they have disbeliefs and policies. Neither can be debated because the dis-beliefs have no merit apart from the counter-believing group, and the policies are not debatable because they are group laws backed by inquisitions, trials, and punishments.

    The only thing to be debated is from what distance does my ass look best to you? 100 or 200 miles?

  • sf

    what distance does my ass look best to you? 100 or 200 miles?

    U, we need a visual first darlin'.


  • garybuss

    You wrote: we need a visual first darlin'.

    I'll get right on that! :-)

  • asilentone

    stilla, how long have you been hypocritical JW?

  • stillajwexelder

    I read Crisis of Conscience in 1987 - so I suppose 21 years

  • reniaa

    I am an inactive but studying with a view to returning witnesses. your question may have been better to ask if any active still believing witnesses are on.

    Not many pro-witnesses would come on here because this forum really doesn't allow for much to debate anything pro-wts and if we do we tend to get shouted down and i lost count of the times i've been told to leave this forum by members but thankfully not the management. in my wisdom I do like to add a counter arguement to some of the overwhelmingly biased threads, For example we recently had one saying JW's that were the only christian faith to practise shunning It went off active topics before i could post a link to wikipedia-excommunication/defellowship info

    If this site offfered more of allowances for two-sided debate you would possibly see more active witness (but wisely or not witnesses refuse to defend themselves in this sort of arena) but it really is just for doubters and the curious to have there suspicions confirmed in a very one-sided way!

  • Rosalee

    remiaa ... just to let you know ... I wish you well in your studies. I was once mia too but returned to being an active witness and am so glad I did. If you are posting on this site to hone your skills .. it will likely be more detrimental than good. In reality posting here can become addictive so the sooner you leave the better off you'll be. When they suggest you leave here it's generally because they don't like to be reminded that they mostly know that what they are doing is wrong. Lurk if you want but be very careful ... we are warned to be very cautious in our use of the internet ... for good reason.

    Take care ... Rose

    Private message me if you'd like to speak further.

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