active jw's visiting here?

by Ronnie38 70 Replies latest jw friends

  • reniaa

    What is their aim, goal, purpose, etc.?

    Are you guys trying to win us all back into the borg, vomit, all of the other words that make the borg look bad?

    Can you tell it's not working?

    What do you hope to gain by posting here?


    Redirecting whitedove to above post on ad hominen arguments.....

    Also forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't Simon start this as a genuine Jehovah's witness discussion group as an active witness originally? (my sister told me this)

    Are you suggesting whitedove our opinions are unwelcome on here now because of our status as pro-witnesses?( I won't lie answering this in the affirmative is a big hot potato because it smacks of hypocracy)

    I did check out a new splinter group, now this one is closing called 'Jehovah witness support forum' but after having read the small print in their info sections, I think moderaters will be directed on it to get rid of posters who put forth any defense of Wts but i be could wrong I have no intention of testing it, i'm letting this be my one and only venture into Jw internet discussion groups. and when simon closes it, I will give him genuine thanks for allowing me to express my views without censure.

  • Rosalee

    Hi raniaa - - - in reference to your mentioning that Simon started this site as a true witness - - -

    I used to think the same thing. Thought he came here expecting to have fine interchange and fellowship with faithful followers.

    Then I listened to the radio interview posted here from Aug.16th/08. This site was totally set up from the get-go as a means to instill uncertainty and bias against the society.

    It has either had success or has drawn many who were already weak.

    I've been asked why I post here by a few. It started years ago when I was inactive. I posted under a different name. When I got busy again in the truth, I'd still stop in to see what's new. It's been kind of fun because under the name Rosalee I can still gage replies knowing the poster from another view as well.

    It's basically called an addiction. One I'm working on. That's why I was glad when I stopped in only to see that this site is closing ... that will certainly end my addiction.

    The sooner the better this site closes for you too, raniaa.


  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Who are we to say they shouldn't be?

    Isn't one of the reasons we left the borg was to be out of an environment where we had no freedom to talk about what was on our mind? Haven't some been kicked out for speaking their minds?

    Do we really want to foster that kind of environment here? One where only one opinion is acceptable and all others should be silenced?

    I have had people here tell me before it's better that they're here. Because the conversations that develop between them and the people here can often speak more than what we do alone.
    Perhaps they do at times dance around the issue. So what? I see it. You see it. And Allllll the other people in net world who are looking for information can see it too

    And if they are willing to stay.....heh, perhaps SimonPeter's board will plant a little seed

  • carla

    "The sooner the better this site closes"-- Did you miss all the new sites going up similar to this one? Just like when the wt closed down the 'Quotes' site, it was mirrored all over the place. Any jw who regularly comes here has deep seated doubts but is afraid to confront them in a logical and intelligent way, such as researching the wt itself. Even reading your old lit is now 'apostate' lit. Today's truth (supposedly from God Himself) is tomorrows old light and discarded like an old shoe and forgotten. I'd rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question.

    There are many who, by their passivity, dependency, fear and laziness, seek to be shown every inch of the way and have it demonstrated to them that each step will be worth their while. This cannot be done. For the journey of spiritual growth requires courage and initiative and independence of thought and action. (forgot to cite author) - All traits the wts condems.

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    Active (ultra-liberal Ministerial Servant) JW here. Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously)

  • jgnat

    Well, guys, here we go again. We're swarming. Two active JW's brave to identify themselves on this thread, and they are pounced upon. I know their views are unpopular, but really.

  • Mary
    Rosealee-the-hypocrite said: I was once mia too but returned to being an active witness and am so glad I did. If you are posting on this site to hone your skills .. it will likely be more detrimental than good. In reality posting here can become addictive so the sooner you leave the better off you'll be. When they suggest you leave here it's generally because they don't like to be reminded that they mostly know that what they are doing is wrong.

    Lurk if you want but be very careful ... we are warned to be very cautious in our use of the internet ... for good reason.

    Yes. If you start thinking for yourself, you might actually come to realize that the WTB&TS is not "the Truth" when examined up close. Great seeing you again Rosalee!

  • BonaFide

    Active Witness here, regular auxiliary pioneer, baptized 28 years, former missionary, I am still very active.


  • BonaFide

    I have been reading some of the posts from Rosalee, Renaia, and Worf.

    I know that sometimes we feel strongly about things, especially when it involves lives. All of us have been affected by our being a Witness.

    But does that justify our saying those things you were saying to each other?

    There are so many of us that come on here who lurked for quite a while, who really want to discuss the important things in life and how to deal with so many difficulties of being a Witness, ex-Witness, or in-between. How to help our families, our friends.

    I have gotten into those arguments before, and I know two things. One is that all of you will be thinking you somehow "won." And the other thing is that you will not have accomplished much.

    One of the things that really hurts about some Witnesses is their judgmental, hating, biting, unkind way of treating each other. And they all have an excuse for it.

    I am sure that you are kind people. I read your profiles. Is there any way to keep these discussions on what this forum is about, that is, to enlighten each other and support each other?

    Some of us stay as Witnesses simply to help family and friends. I would never have spoken to someone who was like me even a few months ago.

    Come on people.


  • LovesDubs

    To the apologetics JWs who are either IN or OUT and WANT to be IN....who come here, read here, and post here and all the while make excuses for why its OK for them to BE make me laugh. And then throw up in my mouth.

    Its the same lamo excuses I have been hearing since the days of the '90s AOL JW DEBATE CHAT ROOMs before they monitored the crap out of them and destroyed them...where the JWs under the guise of "anonymity" freely associated with the worst of the worst "apostates" and "evil slave class" types out there to be had. As if Jehooover cant see who that is in that chat room, or this, because their real names werent being used LOLOLOL! So like little kids, as long as the elders dont find out what they are doing, they can do whatever they want to on the internet and they DO. Always have...always will. And they will ALWAYS bend the rules to suit themselves...always have always WILL. Look for a way to get around that article about the dangers of the internet, use semantics to explain what you are doing in a web site UNMISTAKABLY filled with ANTI JW RHETORIC. "Oh Im doing nothing WRONG" they always say LOLOL! Yep...go on into that Kingdom Hall and tell those elders you spend hours and hours in chat rooms with deeply entrenched apostates and opposers when you are not under their constant miscreant watch. You arent fooling anybody. Talk all you want to. Make all the excuses you want to using all the big words you want to. The rules of behavior layed down by the Watch Tower Society are CLEAR.

    The reality is WE KNOW YOU ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE. We WERE/ARE JWs and we know what the rules are. In fact we probably know them better than you do. And you can bullshit all you want about being able to be here but you are flat out know it..and more importantly WE know it.

    The JW lifer "brother" (with the annointed pioneer mother and the elder father) who introduced me to the "truth" in 1984 revealed the reality of this BORG to me from the get go... he slept with anybody who would sleep with him and said he could "do anything but have penetration and it was not considered fornication". But, He said, laughingly, "if you get caught, just cry, the elders are just MEN and they can be fooled." And when he was caught online picking up women and involved in an ALL JW S&M ring...and marked....he said "Damn, now nobody is going to come to my Super Bowl party on Sunday!" Uh huh....Goooood Christians. So upset he was that he was displeasing Jehovah right? WRONG! He got BUSTED and it messed up his PLAY TIME! So do what all the good JWs do...Play the angles, surround yourself with like minds, find the loopholes...learn all the tricks of the trade in the name of God. Then go door to door telling everybody you are SUPERIOR to them and that God will destroy THEM if they dont become like YOU. LOLOL!

    So welcome all you JWs and "wannabe back to being JW" provide us with good fodder to show the hypocrisy and circular go-no-where, hear no evil, see no evil JW rhetoric for what it truly is.

    Life destroying bullshit.

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