Celebrating birthdays is wrong according to the WTS. We all know their crazy reasoning on the matter. So what are some occasions that Jehovahs Witnesses get involved with that give undue 'worship' to humans? 1 - celebrating anniversaries. Always confused me that one. There are many others though. Take it away........
On what occasions do JW's give undue 'worship' to humans?
by jambon1 15 Replies latest jw friends
One instance I can think of is when they give special 'respect' to somebody who claims to be anointed.
When I first came into the religion I was confused by their special attention to somebody in the congregation I was in. I thought it was because this individual was just a long-standing member of the congregation. No, it was much more than that. I saw how they treated this person. I took this claim of anointed with a grain of salt since it cannot be proven. I tended to avoid this person because I thought the whole thing was obnoxious.
For a religion that claims to have no clergy class, they sure do a good imitation.
The two big 'R's - Russell and Rutherford. Obviously, but needs to be said again and again for the young witnesses.
It was as sick as fawning over Jim Jones, or the Pope. Knorr worship got pretty bad too, before his death.
I always thought that Freddy sort of got bitter about being left out of this special adulation.
And now, thanks to Freddies dementia over dates, they have the Governing Body to give ther fear and awe.
Everytime my wife spreads her legs!
Usage of the word undue raises the question if worship is ever due to humans.
S -
darth frosty
If your a GB, Bethel heavy, DO, CO, or prominent elder giving talks at the Ca or Da.
Members of the HLC, the Building Committee, pioneers, elder's wives, and generational JW's. Extra points for extra generations. As in "I am a third generation Witness".
How do I know? Because those selfsame title holders introduced themselves to me with their designation. I was to be impressed.
when the CO comes When the DO does a host visit when either of their wives come3 around for a meal when the GB go anywhere on earth when a GB member wife goes anywhere
Whenever someone DIES for refusing blood transfusion.
~Sue -
'The seat of a King', a brother proudly said at a district assembly after a governing body member had sat on it.