"The Bible Says... The Bible Says..."

by AGuest 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    If this is something you see in this forum day after day then I suppose you can provide a very recent example? I'm skeptical.

    I don't know how I can do that without putting someone undeservingly in the spotlight, dear Rebel. Which would be very unkind... and unloving. I'm sorry but you'll either have to take my word for it, do some posting investigation, or let your curiousity go unsatiated. My apologies and peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


    P.S. You might want to note that I don't come here every day, though... and so my "day after day" might be limited to the days/times I come here... and not to everyday, as your response seems to indicate...

  • frankiespeakin


    I could say that "My Lord said to me," which would be TOTALLY true... and I have. Unfortunately, many won't believe it... unless they see it in writing. That is because they walk by sight, and not by faith... which the Bible tells them NOT to do. Which is the very point of my post. If they would exercise faith... and simply LISTEN when he speaks... they wouldn't need the Bible. Or anyone/anything else. The Bible also says this.

    I think you might also call it listening to the subtle deep inner voice? But the question is in my mind how far do you trust this deep inner voice? Even if it claims to be a super being like God or his son?

  • AGuest
    I think you might also call it listening to the subtle deep inner voice?

    Well, I don't want to trivialize it to that level. I mean, I have an inner voice whereby which I "talk" to "myself." But this is different.

    But the question is in my mind how far do you trust this deep inner voice?

    Well, it depends on the voice, doesn't it? One of the gifts of the spirit that I have is "discerning [hearing] spirits." Some in this realm would consider that similar to "psychic" abilities, but it's not psychic, really (denoting using the mind or psyche). It's actually spiritual (meaning, we are spirits inside the vessel that is our flesh)... and it is by means of that... that I communicate and am communicated with. So, for me, it is not just one voice that I hear (although more often than not, it is only one); it actually depends - on the situation... as well as "where" I "am" at the time (i.e., spirit beings do not sleep, and so the spirit realm is virtually filled with "noise."). Most humans, however, will only hear one or a few voices, unless they have access to the spirit realm.

    So, how far you trust a voice depends on whose voice it is: if it is mine, well, I have to confess - I am certainly not the sharpest tool in the shed (no, seriously) and so have made some pretty... ummmm... questionable... choices in my life. So, I don't often listen to "me" anymore. I tend to just make it way too complicated for myself.

    If it is a voice I don't recognize unknown to me, I don't listen unless or until it has identified itself to me. And, in some instances, then, I quit listening once the spirit is identified as one I have no need to listen to. I mean, what's the point?

    If it is or my Lord (usually) or the Father (very, very rare - and I explain that below), I listen as closely, carefully, deeply and intently as I can. Because the information is very important. To me... and for me. They have proven that to me and so I trust their voices, to absolutely no bounds.

    Even if it claims to be a super being like God or his son?

    Here's the thing about spirit beings: unlike US (earthling man), they cannot directly lie to God or Christ... or, by default, those who truly belong to God, through Christ. Thus, I don't need to worry about who it is... who it "claims" to be: all I have to do... is ask. My Lord did this himself, when he had Legion identify theirselves. If you ask a spirit being a direct question (i.e., "Where have you been?")... that spirit MUST respond... and do so in truth. Because they don't possess flesh (with its blood) which HIDES what the spirit (man inside the fleshly vessel) is/holds... there is no point in them lying. True, you and I might not see their truth, but every other unconfined spirit being absolutely will. My Lord explained this truth to me early on when he first started communicating with me in the way he does now.

    I have heard the voice of the Most Holy One of Israel only four times now; however, it is always very brief... and it is ALWAYS accompanied by the voice of my Lord, whose voice I hear daily (and, previously, when I wasn't so preoccupied with my own puny little life, almost 24/7). What occurs is that the message is actually coming from God, but it must come through Christ. Thus, on these occasions, I heard both voices, simultaneously. I think that's why the Apostle John and others describes as sounding like "many waters." It is not like the rush of a river or waterfall... but like... well, several "tracks" of sound laid atop one another but spoken at the exact same time. Sort of like a kind of "stereo," if you will.

    There is also another way: if a "voice" is telling you to do or even THINK something... and that something is harmful... to yourself or to another... even your enemy... it is NOT the voice of God OR Christ. It can't be. I know, I know... someone will ask, "But what about what God said in the OT?" To that I would respond that my Lord said he came to "bear witness to the TRUTH..." which truth is the truth about God, about who we are, and about the kingdom... and not ONCE did he tell anyone to do anything harmful to ANYONE... including his enemies. Indeed, he restored the ear that Peter cut off... and he asked the Father to forgive the people who put him death.

    "Yes, yes," some will say, "But the OT says..." Indeed, it does. However, after having come to know God and know Christ... and I do mean KNOW them, intimately, by means of a union of spirit... I would say to those who take this position but who claim to "belong" to Christ: you really should try to pay attention and UNDERSTAND my Lord's words when he said, "WOE, to you... scribes!" Because there was a REASON he condemned their conduct... along with that of the Pharisees.

    The TRUE God is slow to anger (you have no idea!), merciful (again, you only know the half of it!) ... and abundant in loving kindness (we could never presume to measure, truly!). That the OT has Him being a hasty vengeful meterer-out of "justice" is... a great error. And we have been lied to in this regard. Truly. Which is why those who were called to serve, as prophets, apostles, whathaveyou... did so... willingly! Once they came to KNOW Christ... and God through Christ... they realized they had been lied to, that the Father is NOT like earthling man has made Him out to be... at all. WE, however... earthling man... are like that... starting with Adham who sold his entire progeny for his own selfish gain... and Cain, who killed his own brother.

    And the Bible is just one of many so-called "holy" books that appeal to OUR senses and OUR thirst (for blood, vengeance, retribution, payback... things WE call "justice" but are not!) in this way.

    I bid you peace... and ears to hear, if YOU so wish it.

    A slave of Christ,


  • funkyderek

    Even worse - and potentially more dangerous - than those who do what the bible says, believing it to be the word of God, are those who listen to voices in their head, believing them to be the voice of God.

  • frankiespeakin


    Well, I don't want to trivialize it to that level. I mean, I have an inner voice whereby which I "talk" to "myself." But this is different.

    I understand,, I guess an inner voice could be concidered as talking to one's self,, I mean we can be an observer of our thoughts and watch them come out of seemingly no where or perhaps from the preconscious part of that thing we call the mind, and does this thing we call the mind have unbounded consciousness and is it deep inside us and all around us all at the same time.

    So when i say I hear I voice or have a vision and I'm asked did it come from me or was it an outside source? I find it hard to pin down because where are the boudaries? So that one could say with any certainty,,, especially for me who's world view is that every thing is god from an atom to the giant universe and there is no difference,, aproaching a non duelistic ultimate One with no other kinda world view I don't know how to discribe it?

    Consciousness is the basis for existance and if consciousness can be called god then the picture I get is we all exist in the mind of god or life as we live it is only an illusion of the senses and mind interpetations and varrying pionts of view that seem very real.

    I think thier are many gods some over different planets..I know the OT god likes to boast how he the greatest and all that but sometimes I think it is all talk and comes from his followers desire to have the best god in existance to make themselves feel better with the ego centric idea that we got the best god there is and there is none better.

    Sorry for the ramble I just thought I would share some of those ideas with you.

  • myelaine

    dear OUTLAW...

    (i don't want to type this out again so i'm just moving it here...it is a post in response to WTWizard on JWS)

    do you think that the Catholic church would have had the audacity to "doctor" the very words of Jesus? and if not then was Jesus being literal in His sermon on the mount? or was He speaking in illustrations and parables?...because He did mention the danger of hell fire within the "moral codes" (matthew 5:22) he also mentioned heaven...were people to "flesh out", with their own opinion, what He really meant or were they to take Him at His word or suffer the consequences if they were wrong in not taking Him literally? God sent Jesus to die in our stead, He wouldn't want such an important "event" to be taken lightly or the reasons for it to be misconstrued...belief in Jesus as your Savior saves you from hell fire...calling someone a "fool" if they believe that puts you in danger of hell fire...because you are making God out to be a liar.

    the concept of sin was put into writing in the OT law...the law was there to show the israelites that they could never meet the strict ethical/moral law of God...romans 3:9-20...paul was well "versed" in the law and he WAS able to do his own thinking and therefore was well equipped to see where Jesus was the very righteousness of God in the flesh. romans 3:21-26

    if you don't accept that God sent Jesus to die for the purpose of redeeming us from the penalty of sin then you are just as much responsible for murdering an innocent man as the crowds that called for His death....matthew 5:21 (this statement is added now for OUTLAW)...you're not in the middle of the mob calling for crucifixion...they were forgiven by Jesus at the time...you've had time to mull it over...why aren't you a christian if the message is so simple to you? love michelle

  • LDH

    There is no visible representation of God on earth;

    As Sir82 would say, "You bet your sweet Bippy."

  • myelaine

    dear AGuest...

    "One of the gifts of the spirit that I have is "discerning [hearing] spirits."...

    I hope you're talking about "picking up vibes" and not actual internal voices when you are speaking of "spirits" in general.

    every time a person of God dealt with an "angel" they were seen with the eye (the Bible says... )...to the extent that rhoda thought it was normal to see peter's angel at the door.

    love michelle

    p.s. LDH...the church is the visible representative of God on earth...as the invisible Holy Spirit works through "them".

  • WTWizard

    Just because it's in the Bible doesn't mean it's any good. The Bible praises Jesus for supposedly doing God's will, yet bashes Satan for doing exactly the same thing. And it glorifies the kind of mayhem and wonton repression that is bad for civilization. Its worst flaw: Inciting people to worship the Almighty Lowlife Scumbag God.

    The Washtowel not only claims to be Bible-based (a pretty miserable foundation), but on top of that they misinterpret it. They have their own Bible, and twist everything to base it on field circus. Which makes an already wretched situation even worse.


    MyeLaine..I`m not a Christian,because I simply don`t believe in the Christian faith..I don`t believe anyone can,or should die for any one else`s sins..I`m not a believer...........Understanding a simple message,does not mean I believe it.........I have no problem with real Christians..They understand me..And..I understand them......Which is probably why,I have so many as friends.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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