gin and vermouth. Very very very cold.
Gin is best drunk with?
by stillajwexelder 47 Replies latest jw friends
gin and vermouth. Very very very cold. My current favorite
Big Tex
Shaken? Or stirred?
I do have a shaker - but it is too much trouble - so 90% of time it is stirred (I have a tuxedo too like James Bond!!)
Nathan Natas
Dagney asked,
BTW, hijacking...has anyone tried the French absinthe? It's about $60 for a bottle...too pricey to experiment but I am strangely curious.
You can take a trial run with Pernod or Herbsant. If you like them, you may enjoy absinthe. Personally, I'm not a big fan.
If you do treat yourself to absinthe, spend the money for the pricier stuff. There are some absinthes out there that are unworthy of the name.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Never did like gin...
You can take a trial run with Pernod or Herbsant. If you like them, you may enjoy absinthe. Personally, I'm not a big fan.
If you do treat yourself to absinthe, spend the money for the pricier stuff. There are some absinthes out there that are unworthy of the name.
Thanks Natan. (Always loved the pic BTW.)
I have Pernod. Is it the same-ish? Isn't the way to serve the absinthe poured over a sugar cube? Pernod is kinda sweet...just wondering. Is the good stuff pricier than $60? Might have just go to a bar and try it like a friend suggested.
There is something about a Martini,
A tingle remarkably pleasant;
A yellow, a mellow Martini;
I wish I had one at present.
There is something about a Martini,
Ere the dining and dancing begin,
And to tell you the truth,
It is not the vermouth--
I think that perhaps it's the gin.That is very good. After spending the morning deciding to get rid of old pottery and putting my martini glass and shaker collection in the new china cabinet, I think it's time for one.
Gin is best drunk with ..........
A woman that is 3 or 4 drinks ahead of you.
Rub a Dub
There is a newish Rangpour Tangaray. Has those Rangpour Limes as part of the process.
Rather have a gin on rocks with lime or olives. Forget the Vermouth.
If you can find it get Tonic made with sugar instead of that horrible high fructose corn syrup. You will loose weight.
"Gin makes you sin" unknown sinner quote.
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