Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....

by reniaa 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • chickpea
    Belittling remarks is [sic] a sign of ignorance

    i dare to postulate that the majority here
    who stoop to use perjorative invectives
    against the perpetators of theocratic
    malfeasance hardly approach from
    a place of ignorance, but rather from
    unfortunate familiarity and experience

    i know i do Expressive Smilies

  • Quandry

    Well, O.K. everyone probably is tired of this thread. But I just read it and had to say that when I first posted here and saw the GB referred to as the "slobbering body" at first I thought I'd have a stroke but then I thought awhile and started laughing very hard.

    It was then that I knew I might live after all, since all the disillutioning things I'd found out about the WTS made me so depressed.

    Also, I think people like Renaii come here to try to reassure themselves. Surely she has read about the WTS flip-flops on doctrine such as the resurrection for those from Sodom and Gomorrah. These cannot be denied. She knows about the payouts and the WT defense of pedophiles. She knows about the dates of the end and dissapointments and denials. She knows the struggle many are having with the no higher education mandate, and what it will mean for the future for many young ones.

    She has undoubtedly read heart-rending accounts of those who have been shunned and unless her heart is stone, must feel for them.

    She justs wants it all to be true. So did I....for a very long time.

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