Want to read the part on the selection of the WTS as 'God's Sole Channel'.
by insearchoftruth 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Want to read the part on the selection of the WTS as 'God's Sole Channel'.
that's an old thick Freddie Franz special with a yellow cover.
I'l see if I have a .pdf of it. If not I'll scan the pages tonight. I'll check this thread to make sure someone hasn't done it by the time I get to it.
Think it is around page 350...somewhere in that area.....I am quite unfamiliar with the past (or present) pubs. Went into a used bookstore this past weekend, wanted to see if they had this on the shelf, but my wife was in too much of a hurry....had a winery to visit
I've got one at home......(geeze......I'm gonna start charging for all these scans!!) PM me to remind me to post the scan tonight when I get home.
This book is on the current CD.
I ordered mine through abebooks. I think I know where you're going with that... I think the book might be better for showing how they taught 1976 was the end than for trying to nail them on FDS doctrine inconsistencies. Ultimately, they are confident in/happy with the FDS TODAY, regardless of the reasons. The reasons and mythology around why and how regarding the FDS is only in place as window dressing, to affirm what they have already accepted, IMO.
*** w60 7/15 p. 439 par. 2 Staying Awake with the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" ***
How is this divine will to be made known and brought to the attention of the worthy multitudes of men of good will toward Jehovah? Again the awake world-watchman, the "slave" class, must undertake another world educational campaign following their restoration as witnesses after 1919. Such a global work has now been under way for more than forty years and is reaching its fruitful culmination. The facts show that during this time and up to the present hour the "slave" class has served as God’s sole collective channel for the flow of Biblical truth to men on earth. Just as the early Christian congregation collectively served as the channel of communication from heaven to earth, so in our time. (Eph. 3:10) Abundant spiritual food and amazing details as to the doing of God’s will have been flowing through this unique channel actually as a miraculous evidence of the operation of holy spirit.
You are most likely correct MJ!!!!
Whups, I went back to edit my post, cause I thought it was a bit harsh, and not helpful.