They have served lion at a local San Diego restaurant.
by Witness 007 71 Replies latest watchtower medical
They have served lion at a local San Diego restaurant.
Just as those who have no real scientific education believe in things like the entire Earth being flooded and all the planet's animal life surviving in a boat, there's never a lack of people who have absolutely no knowledge of physiology believing that humans shouldn't eat animal products. Not only did I grow up in a strict JW household, but I grew up in a family where nutritional quackery was prominent, and I have since, after educating myself in how the body works, gained a more balanced approach to nutrition than they ever had.
I've read plenty of hippie literature, been swayed by it to some degree, and even lived as a vegan for quite some time. You know what? It's bullshit. If you don't eat a proper variety and amount of all kinds of foods, your chances of being nutritionally deficient are heavily increased. If you're the least bit active, you can't get enough protein from vegetables and fruits, period. And if you stuff yourself with soy products you're likely feeding your body too much estrogen, which as it's own complications. I respect vegetarians and vegans and raw-foodists and anyone else, but not when they say things like "your body can't process meat!" Because it's nothing but a lie. Like anything, eat in moderation and eat a variety of foods. Of course the slob who eats nothing but steak everynight is going to croak soon--he's also a fat ass. But eating animal products along with plenty of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fruits and other foods can make for the most balanced diet one can have.
PoppyCock and Balderdash!..Corn Flakes and what,Scotch?!(Ok,not a bad idea..LOL!!)..........Meat?..I need meat!..Lots of it!.................JW`s are a good source of protein..And..Taste great when properly BBQ`d.....OUTLAW
Well,...I guess I just don't get it...... Sorry everyone!
Animal abuse, Along with abuse of children, are very serious matters.
Animals and children cannot speak for themselves. I am not saying the two are the same...but both need protection from abuse. We as humans are responsible for the wellbeing of those who cannot speak for themselves
They both need protection, not the same kind of protection, but protection and care from their fellow humans.
You may not agree with my thinking.....take it or leave it, but as a responible citizen we need to watch out for those most vulnerable.
I have canines, and enzymes to process lactose.
I have a liver to process Scotch!..............................OUTLAW
I drink Scotch, to process liver.
Animal abuse, Along with abuse of children, are very serious matters
With all due respect, how is eating meat "animal abuse"? Or did I misunderstand you?
As for milk, well nothing goes better with hot cookies than ice cold milk. Unless it's a really hot cup of tea.
BTW does anything smell better than cookies in the oven?
You need Milk to make Hot Chocolate!..And..Creme for coffee!..And..Beef for Hamburgers!..........Have you gone Mad!........Cows all across North America,will be out of jobs!..And..Collecting Welfare!.....................OUTLAW
Well then.... let's talk about what eggs are. Or do you really want to think about that?
Too much of anything is bad for you. Too much of anything good is really really really bad for you. There are extremes to everything... and everything gives you cancer.
Become a vegan and see how healthy you are.
That's pretty disgusting about the milk thingy, though.