How do you know she's a witch?
Well, she turned me into a newt!......
Burn her anyway!
Your favotite Monty Python lones....
by dawg 52 Replies latest jw experiences
Well, she turned me into a newt!
I got better....
Mickey mouse
"He said Jehovah! Stone him!"
I'm not dead yet....
"Sorry...I gobbed on your carpet"...."and now, for something completely different..."....."spam, spam, spam and more spam..."....."wink, wink, nudge,nudge, know what I mean, know what I mean?"....
Run away!
What name do you go by gallant knight, that summons fire without flint or tender?
There are those that call me.... Tim. -
Mr. Majestic
This is my favourite scene. If this is not an accurate depiction of how faith and belief starts then I don’t know what is…
Love the way they mob the ‘unbeliever’ just because he doesn’t get taken in by bullshit….
BlackSwan of Memphis
Sorry but I can't give you just one.
But I will give you two diffferent ones:
what a silly bunt