J. Edgar Hoover: Arrest and detain Rutherford in case of national emergency
by Leolaia 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Interesting...but then Hoover was adpept at seeing enemies everywhere he wanted to.
I suppose he may have been up on the JW resistance to the Nazi's and feared that if the USA was invaded the JW's could cause headaches with their pacifist stance so best to take their leader out of the picture as there was really no one else of (and I use the term loosly) stature that could have filled Rutherford's shoes
Interesting !!! And what was the argumentation of Hoover concerning the custodial of Rutherford ?
Thank you! Very interesting!
The question is of course, why would they do that? And what was the frame of mind within which something like this seemed important only in the case of national emergency. Could it be because of WTBS stance on neutrality or is there something more sinister such as, if I'm not mistaken, their attempt to strike the deal with Adolf Hitler. It would be greatly appreciated if we could see more of the document behind. But even this is very, very interesting and intriguing indeed. Thank you Leolaia
Octarine Prince
If you only knew:
The government has plans in place for a lot of things. The National Guard doesn't protect us, for example. It's job is to protect the system from us.
Wake up. Soul Ascension. -
Octarine Prince
Furthermore, with the release of this document verifying that the government would deem the "Jehovah Witness leader" dangerous in a martial law situation, people can more easily accept that the government keeps tabs on any and everyone, and the situations with individuals like Malcolm, Martin, and JFK become more clear.
Wow.......that's an eye opener......Why was Rutherfraud considered such a threat to the US government??
Rutherford was a loose cannon. He wasn't part of the "old boys club", he taunted it. And flaunted his own wealth and power in front of them. He was uncontrollable. Even Russell saw that, and tried to prevent his ascention.
Mickey mouse
Wow! Would have loved to have seen the full "dossier"! devil