True story. A relative of mine finished his "tour of duty" at Bethel in the 60's and was telling us some of the experiences he had there. He was once in the mens room using the urinal and Bro. Knorr happened to be standing between him and another young guy. He cautioned them not to touch their penis while urinating as it could lead to unexpected arousal. I asked him if he asked how the hell he was supposed to shake it off but he was so surprised at the comment that he said nothing. Must be a lot of wet legs at Bethel. What a bunch of nuts leading that place! Where do they come up with this crap? I wonder what ole' Knorr did while taking a bath or shower? chappy
Kooky statements by Bethel leaders
by chappy 10 Replies latest jw friends
I wonder what ole' Knorr did while taking a bath or shower?
Easy: He had someone else bathe him.......LOL
aligot ripounsous
Sounds a bit far fetched. NK may have not been an outstanding leader but I honestly don't believe he was that stupid
Tweezers -
Jeremy C
Brother Couch has been well known for his fixation with homosexuality and warning Bethel brothers about its presence in New York. One time, Couch warned Bethel brothers about the dangers of engaging in horse play (such as wrestling) with one's roomate; as it could lead to homosexual arrousal. He was also quite vocal about the Bethelites keeping their visiting family members away from the "queers" in Greenwich Village.
What is humorous in all of this, is the contrasting comments that would come from the pie hole of Gerritt Losch. One night, while conducting the Bethel Watchtower study, Losch was highlighting the importance of regular prayer. He told the Bethelites that it was even a good idea for them to get down on their knees at night with their roomates and pray together before retiring. A few muffled snickers could be heard around me, as a few guys obviously thought about the unintended sexual inuendo in the comment. I'll bet brother Couch was alarmed by the possible outbreak of homosexuality that might occur in such intimate entreaties to Jehovah.
Jeremy C
I couldn't help but laugh when I read the word "Once" about Br. Couch talking about homosexuals. Once??!! It seemed like about 3-4 times at least. I seem to remember him saying something to the effect: "First thing you know you're on the floor thing you know... Boom!'re a homo!"
WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, that is what I was going to say if Bro. Knorr say something to me like that.
Awakened at Gilead
I had a friend at Bethel who would always say in the urinals..."Don't shake it more than twice!"
darth frosty
> For all of you who frequent restaurants and understand the need
> for the service to be faster, this short story is a timeless lesson
> on how consultants can make a difference to an organization.
> Last week, we took some friends out to a new restaurant and noticed
> that the waiter who took our order carried a spoon in his shirt
> pocket.
> It seemed a little strange. When another waiter brought our water
> and utensils I noticed he also had a spoon in his shirt pocket. Then
> I looked around and saw that all the staff had spoons in their
> pockets.
> When the waiter came back to serve our soup I asked, 'Why the spoon?'
> 'Well, he explained, 'the restaurant's owners hired Andersen
> Consulting to revamp all our processes.
> After several months of analysis, they concluded that the spoon !
> was the most frequently dropped utensil. It represents a drop
> frequency of approximately 3 spoons per table per hour. If our
> personnel are better prepared, we can reduce the number of trips back
> to the kitchen and save 15 man-hours per shift.'
> As luck would have it, I dropped my spoon and he was able to replace
> it with his spare. 'I'll get another spoon next time I go to the
> kitchen, instead of making an extra trip to get it right now.'
> I was impressed. I also noticed that there was a string hanging out of
> the waiter's fly. Looking around, I noticed that all the waiters had
> the same string hanging from their flies. So before he walked off, I
> asked the waiter 'Excuse me, but can you tell me why you have that
> string right there?'
> 'Oh, certainly!' Then he lowered his voice.
> 'Not everyone is so observant. That consulting firm I mentioned also
> found out that we can save time in the restroom. By tying this string
> to the tip of you know what, we can pull it out without touching it
> and eliminate the need to wash our hands, shortening the time spent in
> the restroom by 76.39 percent.
> I asked 'After you get it out, how do you put it back?'
> 'Well,' he whispered, 'I don't know about the others, but I use the
> spoon.' -
next time, I am not going to the urinals with the brothers! They might say the same thing!