Awww so gorgeous. Hey Dawn
Welcome Baby Meadow Joanne
by diamondblue1974 24 Replies latest jw friends
Octarine Prince
She looks serious. Meadow don't take no mess!
I've just seen this thread, so CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!
Your daughter is gorgeous, I'm sure she'll make you both very happy.
Love from Marie.
Just thought I'd mention that because you gave birth 2 weeks early, she'll start school a year earlier. As soon as she turns 4 she'll be off and she'll be the youngest in the class. If you'd given birth on your due date she'd have started a year later a few days before turning 5 and would've been one of the oldest in her class.
It's kinda sad isn't it? Make the most of those 4 years, because trust me, they'll wizz by and before you know it she'll be waving goodbye to you as she starts her reception year.
congrats to you and dawn, you have a lovely daughter - btw i think you described it perfectly when you said your world is now complete. so many people arent as fortunate, however focus now on your own fortune and get stuck into family life because its the most rewarding thing ever, the first steps, smiles all that make me want to cry, i am such a wuss. anyway love to you and yours, and meadow is such a beautiful name too! - its a good job she's beautiful :D