But the sister kept on getting mad at him, now she said, "Well, I really think you are a great surgeon if you refer me to another doctor who will respect my wishes." He asked her again what specifically she didn't want done, but she said, "I don't want you to store my blood." He said he wouldn't store it. Then she asked him if he would clean it, she wanted her blood cleaned with a machine that keeps the blood moving............At that point I jumped in and said that since she had said she would accept blood fractions, and blood fractions have been stored, that I think it would be ok, but it is up to her. She said ok, finally. But she looked confused and angry.
This is the end result of the Borg's insane (not to mention, confusing) doctrine on blood. You've got sisters like this one who appears obsessed with the possibility that her blood might "stop" while outside of her body, thereby condemning her to eternal death, yet she'll accept blood fractions that have obviously been stored. When the inconsistency is brought to her attention in a nice way, she "looked confused and angry".
This, IMO, is exactly what the Organization wants: they want the R&F to be confused because that way it'll help deflect the inconsistencies in their current "new light" status. This is especially true of older Witnesses who, almost without exception, are not well educated. The current "accept" and "can't accept" lists are ridiculous and it's still playing with people's lives.
Totally sickening.