this is probs more about keeping control so she isn't frightenned, shes facing major surgery, the blood issue is complex,
Yes, Reniaa is right.
The woman wants to be in control. The WTS feels that it knows more than the medical professional with years of training. This is obvious by its making these confusing videos. The poor woman knew nothing of the medical uses of different "blood expanders and additives" yet felt the need to make sure to educate the doctor because-well, the WTS said so.
Of course the issue is complex and confusing-don't take blood-bad, bad-but you can take SOME PARTS of it. Where do these parts come from? OTHER PEOPLE'S BLOOD, or now even COW'S BLOOD.
I'll bet the surgeon went home shaking his head. O.K., they will not take blood...but they'll take pieces parts...but that's not blood?