Great Pyramid is Jehovah's Witness. How so?

by cameo-d 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    When I brang out Rusell's volumes recently and showed some Brothers their jaws fell to the ground in shock! You could tell they were freaked out....then they just toss that information in the don't save basket.

  • cameo-d

    It seems that the number 666 is directly related to the pyramids.

    If you google "666 triangular number" a lot of information comes up concerning the mathematics.

    It's pretty revealing.

    Some pyramids were made by man; some pyramids are made of man.

  • cameo-d
    When I brang out Rusell's volumes recently and showed some Brothers their jaws fell to the ground in shock! You could tell they were freaked out....then they just toss that information in the don't save basket.

    hahahaha. Can't throw wikipedia in the garbage!!

    There is something important about the pyramids. It's just that he didn't tell you the truth about what it was.

  • VM44
    What makes Giza "the special one" on which to base any biblical fulfillments or prophesies?

    Because the Great Pyramid is in Egypt and because it is the largest one there so it gathers the most attention.

    The real reason is that John Taylor and Piazzi Smythe both wrote very popular books in the 19th century about the numerology of the measurements of The Great Pyramid.

  • VM44

    Watch this video at Youtube. I am glad that it is back online for viewing.

    Jehovah's Witness Founder and the Pyramid

  • LisaAnn

    OMG that was awesomely funny! I love it when Russel was singing the ya-ya's! ROTFL!!!

  • VM44

    Two Quotations from Charles Taze Russell's publications.

    Page 338 of "Thy Kingdom Come" Studies in the Scriptures, vol III.

    "Here, thanks to the very accurate measurement of all the passages, furnished by Prof. Smyth, we are enabled to reach what to us are by far the most interesting features of the testimony of this "Witness" yet delivered." (1911 edition)

    From: The Watch Tower, September 15, 1909 concerning changes made in "Studies in the Scriptures"

    Volume III, Page 342, lines 17, 18.

    3416 inches, changed to, 3457 inches to agree with later accurate measurement, would seem to mark 1915. The former figures were "paper measure" from Piazzi Smith's illustration supposed to have been drawn to a scale, but found inaccurate.

    Morton Edgar (a Bible Student at the time) wrote this:

    You may have noted that, in his early editions of Vol. III of 'Studies in the Scriptures," in the Pyramid chapter, Brother Russell states that the length of the Descending Passage, from the junction of the Ascending Passage down to the Subterranean Chamber, is 3416 inches. But in all later editions of his third volume, since 1905, the length of this passage has been altered to the extent of 41 inches, the length now being said to be 3457 inches. Formerly the north wall of the Subterranean Chamber was said to mark the date 1874 A.D., but with the new measure of 3457 inches this date was shifted forward 41 years to 1915 A.D. No explanation is given for this change. (See, however, the short article, 'The Great Pyramid Measurements," on page 326 of 1st Nov., 1904, 'Watch Tower.")

    Charles Piazzi Smyth lived from January 3, 1819 to February 21, 1900,

    Russell changed the Great Pyramid meaurements starting with all editions of the book published after 1904, four years after Prof. Smyth died, and yet Russell retained in the book the statement that the measurments were made by Smyth.

    Again I will state that no indication was made that the numbers were different from what they were when the book was first published in 1891.

    Charles Taze Russell was a deliberate deceiver!

  • VM44

    That Russell was decieving people is shown by this letter published in an October 1891 issue of The Watch Tower.

    New York.

    DEAR BROTHER AND SISTER RUSSELL:--I received the third volume of DAWN, and have hurriedly read it through. I shall read it all over again carefully, probably several times. I am much pleased with it all, and especially was I interested in the chapter on the Great Pyramid. It is all wonderful! but like all Jehovah's works. Man could never have planned it. He is scarcely able to comprehend it. Just so with the Bible--when rightly understood it towers far above the ability of any finite mind, and can be comprehended only when the added grace of God is vouchsafed to its assistance.

    I am more anxious than ever to send out "this Gospel of the Kingdom" to the hungry and thirsty children of God. I will send you $10. Please send me two copies of Vol. III., in paper, and one package of tracts, and apply the remainder for the spread of the Gospel.

    We are doing what we can here. The letters are coming in daily asking for help. May God direct us wherever we may be doing the harvest work. You will, of course, understand what this work is doing for me. When we settle a matter for another by the sure Word, it is fixed in our own minds. Verily it is more blessed to give than to receive. In Christian love,


    She was sending Russell money for more copies of the book!

    Russell wanted to sell books, and he didn't care if they contained inaccurate information! Just keep those orders coming in!

  • Athanasius

    When Rutherford named his sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" he may have forgotten that Russell and Smyth had already given that name to the Great Pyramid. In STUDIES IN THE SCRIPTURES Volume 3 THY KINGDOM COME (1902 edition) page 320 Russell says: 'A few years after Prof. Smyth's return, came the suggestion that the Great Pyramid is Jehovah's "Witness," and that it is as important a witness to divine truth as to natural science.'

    If the Great Pyramid is JEHOVAH'S WITNESS, then I guess that makes the JWs who today knock on doors fake Jehovah's Witnesses as they ignore this important segment of Russell's religious teaching.

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