I was DFed from 1998 to 2002. I was scared $hitless from the 9-11 attacks and wanted to have a better relationship with my witness daughters. Well- my relationship with my daughters at the time improved - however I was still shunned by rank and file members inside the congregation. Inside and outside the kingdom hall. Several times I'd invite " weaker " publishers over for dinner- and they would accept, however in 2 years at that congregation my family and I were never invited to others homes for a meal. Even elders I'd be in field service with- if we took a break and stopped by my house for a restroom or drink break- the elders refused to come inside my home. And yet they were so willing to give me advise about what was happening in my personal life.
So- What about you folks ? Did you , or anybody you know experience this lack of love and real authentic caring after you were reinstated.? Or was someone you know treated badly after being reinstated ? Even though we are told that " allegedly" all members of the congregation are to forgive and forget ? As always- I look forward to your responses on this