Which one, what time period?
I was in a congregation where a sister moderated a book study, was the "accounts servant, magazine servant, literature servant." A real lack of brothers
I have seen sisters in some congregations as an individual read the paragraphs at a book study without being required to wear a head covering.
In one congregation, a sister audited the congregation accounts.
In one a sister did accounts but had to hide it by having her husband sign it and announce it.
In one the BOE wanted sisters to do the mikes but the CO forbade it and ordered the elders to do it.
In one a sister also did sound, accounts, magazine/literature/territory because there was only one elder and no qualified baptized brothers. No way could he do everything.
Some men were appreciate of what the women could contribute and did not treat them like lobotomized dolls. Like many things in the WTS policies are not applied uniformly but at the discretion of the local elders (and at times the heavy hand of a CO or DO).