Did You Get To "Handle The Microphones"???

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Reminds me of Tom Sawyer making his friend think it was some kind of prize to whitewash the fence.

  • minimus


  • mrsjones5

    I think of the "privilege" of handling the mics on the same level as a guy going out and buying a fancy sportscar...ya know, it's an extention of his manhood. Plain silliness.

  • Jeffro

    I handled the roving mic's for a while, and even rose to the giddy heights of occasionally running the audio equipment. But my 'privilege' was revoked when my 'field service' hours didn't improve.

  • NewYork44M
    I think of the "privilege" of handling the mics on the same level as a guy going out and buying a fancy sportscar...ya know, it's an extention of his manhood. Plain silliness.

    Which is probably one of the reasons they do not want young sisters handling the microphones. They don't want to give these young sisters experience handling anything, that as you describe is "an extention of his manhood."

  • sacolton

    Yup, did the "pass the mic" and "adjust the mic stand" bit for awhile. What a grand privledge that was.

  • chickpea

    my husband handled mics for a while but he hated it!

    so he begged off citing his neuropathy as too painful to stand thru an entire meeting!

    the ONE time i "handled" a mic, it was during my TMS "talk".....
    the stage mic was not turned on and i got "counseled"
    for messing with such expensive equipment

    crikey! i turned the bluddy thing on!!!

  • frankiespeakin

    Did You Get To "Handle The Microphones"???

    Yes but being well endowed i can think of better things to "handle" and not "abuse my self".

  • Kudra

    WHAT is the official WT reason why they do not let the sisters handle the mikes?

    It is in no way a form of them "teaching before the congregation" -or what ever that bullshit scripture is.

    They must have some official stance on the books somewhere...


  • frankiespeakin


    The bigger the priviledge the the more woman are not allowed in the good o boys club. Why could you imagine the attention a Large Breasted woman would get as she juggled around those things carrying the mics and how many bros would be giving comments just to see those things bounce?.

    I could see it now the WT conductor calling on bro so&so in the far back and then on the same side of the KH bro so&so in the extreme front and then the extreme far back again just for the show and excitement of it all.

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