Does that idea bother you?
Any Thoughts On Eating Cloned Animals??
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
We probably already are eating them.
No problem here.
In theory..... no
Intuivitely I'm bothered by it, but I'd have to try it if I was offered it.
Well, that red ball nose doesn't look too appetizing.
Oh...wait...that was CLONED animals. I thought you meant clown animals.
Got no problem eating those as long as they clone the tender, tastiest ones.
S4 -
"Clones" are basically no different from identical twins. The only difference is how they are produced. It seems highly unlikely that animals would be cloned for consumption, as the costs and difficulty involved in cloning would not make sense over "natural" breeding.
But if they were...I would have no problem with eating such animals. Their makeup and nutritional qualities would be the same.
Aside from the ethics issues - I wonder this:
Would it be possible to perpetuate those prion type near-virus proteins that cause mad-cow disease if you just kept cloning one DNA species over and over and over?
Maybe there is a good reason for normal reproduction and bio-diversity.
It's not likely that we have or will be eating meat, at least in any noticeable amount, from clones themselves anytime soon. Producing a clone is still far too expensive to be viable for actual meat production. The meat animals that are being cloned commercially are proven breeding stock whose progeny (including semen or embryos) have proven valuable enough to make the cloning process worthwhile. Many of their offspring have made it to the plate, though.
A clone is both genotypically and phenotypically simply an identical twin to the animal it originated from. There's no difference in the meat or anything else of an animal conceived by cloning and one conceived naturally. I've been around several bulls that are clones, and have used a few of them via artificial insemenation. Without exception, they breed just like the original they were cloned from.
I think cloning is now where artificial insemenation, embryo transfer, invitro fertilization, etc... were in their early stages - people just don't really understand it. Back in the early 70's my mother went as far as recruiting the local elders to tell my dad and older brother that they shouldn't be a.l.'ing cows because it wasn't natural. A few months later my brother made a trip to Bethel and the Watchtower farm with several other JW's, including a couple of said elders. They found not a single bull at the farm - all of the cows there were being bred a.i...
People afraid of this are possibly from the same group that fears GM crops. You know, the ones that believe eating "unnatural" DNA will somehow corrupt your own DNA. lol
Exactly, drwtsn32.
james_woods, BSE, or "mad cow disease", is not genetic, nor is it heritable. It is contracted by the animal eating other animal based proteins (usually blood and/or bone meal), so nothing about cloning increases the BSE risk whatsoever.