I think it will simply boil down to be the place marker for the beginning of "the last days," when Christ kicked Satan out of Heaven and took the throne.
I may be wrong but I thought it had already boiled down to that.
by truthseeker 26 Replies latest jw friends
I think it will simply boil down to be the place marker for the beginning of "the last days," when Christ kicked Satan out of Heaven and took the throne.
I may be wrong but I thought it had already boiled down to that.
There are things the Watchtower will keep about 1914, and things they eventually will be forces to not say about 1914.
I think that eventually they will have to give up on 1914 as a gauge to how close the end it. Because 1914 (and the prophetic events attached to it). 100 years from 1914 is not a compelling argument for getting people excited about end times. It's just to far away. There are generations of people who looked to that date as if it meant the end is near, and it didn't work so well for them. It simply doesn't have the power to convince. The generation teaching did, but that has since passed.
I believe they will keep 1914 as a starting point and continue to put emphasis on the prophetic revelations about the dates as they relate to the Watchtower organization (i.e. the faithful slave dogma). Many different religions have complex mythologies that discuss the foundation of the movement/organization and how divine forces guided the process at the beginning. The Watchtower will be no different. It will continue to mythologize their past and 1914 will be a part of that. However, I do not believe it has much power in terms of eschatological excitement. Something that happened 100 years ago means the end is close today? Yeah right. This may continue to work on those inside the organization, but I doubt very much it is fostering excitement in potential converts.
I think that eventually they will have to give up on 1914 as a gauge to how close the end it.
already there - disconnect to 1935 and generation change in 1995/2007
I believe they will keep 1914 as a starting point and continue to put emphasis on the prophetic revelations about the dates as they relate to the Watchtower organization
absolutely. this just about all the signifigance it will have left. Look at the Revelation book - this book is essentially the the Organization sucking its own cock when it comes to the WT's place as gods channel.
EVERYTHING in Revelation is used to identify Rutherford, Franz and Russel as men used by Jehovah. This is absurd! BUT - how does the org justify eisegetically applying Revelation to itself for all these decades and then removing these connections? IT CANT! No matter what happens with 1914 it can never be disconnected to the identification of the selection of the WTS as Gods Channel - this HAD to happen after the return of christ so christ had to have returned in 1914 - IMHO - THIS CAN NEVER CHANGE.
All sorts of chronological connection to the end can be removed ( which it essentially has) but connection to the org as gods channel and the return of Christ must remain intact, or else what is there to prove that the org is gods channel? Remove this and there is nothing left.
There is always going to be someone to initiate the use of force to get people to stay in an organization, no matter how out of date it gets. And, someone is going to be stupid enough to fall for it.
The hope is that the Washtowel Slaveholdery is going to be weakened to the extent that they will not be able to plunge the world into the Second Dark Ages before they run out of time.
We are so close that I no longer buy green bananas.
That made me laugh out loud. I hope I get the chance to say that to someone.
Nothing will happen. At the DC this past weekend, several of the talks made it very clear that "most of us in attendance today may not live long enough to see the end of this system" or that "the end of this system may be 10, 20 possibly 30 years away". Yes those are exact quotes. This may sound terrible but I thought about all the 30 and 40-something year old virgins that might not ever get any because they are waiting for the end to come. I also thought about all the couples that decided not to have children, they have to grow old without any kids to possibly visit or care for them.
Anyway, it seems that they are already prepping folks for a very long ride.
Never underestimate their ability to creatively change their teachings , and get away with it. They have taken away the time limits of one generation from 1914, and the belief that the collecting in of the anointed stopped in 1935...There is no reason for it not to go on ad infinitum ..."Just see the World getting worse and worse "......
This is a billion dollar worldwide Corporation, with their lawyers at their side they will find away to be sure.
We are so close that I no longer buy green bananas.
Secret apostate password?
1914 never happened: history really did a "skip year" back then, i.e. 1912, 1913, 1915. You need to get your copy of the WTS Revised Calendar and Outline of History. You need to attend more indoctrination sessions meetings.
They will do something like that.
And they are simply dropping out of the chronology business. It's only another 6 years: they will have a decade (or decades) of no chronology. Chronology? What's that?