Mary: I always love your observations. You are very astute and intelligent. The person who insulted you was out of line.
News from Bethel Heavy
by cinnamon1642 224 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Jringe01, I think you've been away a while... several things to clear up here:
NYC is a prime target for terrorists. The next big attack won't be planes, it'll be some guy on a subway with a dirty nuke...stuff like that could interfere with production. better to be out in the country, away from all that and also away from so much of the enticements of the world.
NYC was obviously a prime target of Soviet nuclear weapons decades ago. But they didn't leave Brooklyn then, even when they speculated that the USSR, King of the North, would invade the US, King of the South.
I was still in Bethel on 9/11. The GB believes they would be divinely protected from such events. Wallkill and Patterson aren't really far away. Still lots of enticements. There's a commuter train right in Patterson that goes quickly into the city, with all the drugs, whores, and Catholic Churches to filthify the "newboys".
If they wanted out in the country, they would have developed Kingdom Farm up at South Lansing, NY. Or they would have gotten property in Pennsylvania, Idaho, Utah, or Texas. Boring. Nothing to interfere with production there.
Many of the factory buildings are getting really old and the older they get the more expensive they'll be to maintain. Moving to Patterson into new buildings which can be custom built to handle modern printing presses would save money on increasing maintenence costs or if they ship most printing off to other branches then they can save a bundle.
Printing for the US is at Wallkill, not Patterson. Printing is already spread out among "Regional Printing" branches:
***yb 2004 pp. 21-22 Highlights of the Past Year ***
Regional Printing
On September 1, 2001, seven brothers from different parts of the world were selected to serve as a Printing Study Group. The Governing Body asked these brothers to make a study of all the printing branches around the world and to recommend ways to use these existing facilities to a greater degree. On the basis of the study group’s recommendations, on October 17, 2001, the Governing Body gave approval to regionalize the printing, with each region taking care of its own printing needs. The regions are Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.
The new arrangement went into operation at the beginning of 2002. The results have been encouraging. Consider book production. In the year 2000, the UnitedStates branch produced almost 50 percent of the books for the world. But now, under the regional printing arrangement, it produces just 26 percent. This has resulted in a reduction in shipping costs, staff, machines, and needed floor space in the United States printery and in more efficient use of existing facilities in other countries.
In conjunction with the change to regional printing, the Governing Body approved the purchase of seven new MAN Roland Lithoman printing presses. These will replace aging and less efficient equipment, thus helping to care for future printing needs. Five of the new presses, some of which have already been installed, are for the branches in Brazil, Britain, Japan, Mexico, and South Africa. The other two are for the printery at Wallkill, New York, where they are slated for installation in April and May 2004. Each press is 133 feet [40 m] long, will produce 90,000 magazines or magazine-size signatures for books per hour (25 per second), and will be able to print in full color on all pages.As far as getting rid of all the old Brooklyn buildings in favor of new buildings, that is a U-turn in just a couple of years from previous plans. The last years I was in Bethel, the expectation was to sell off some Brooklyn properties, but that the "Headquarters" offices would stay, and more office jobs would be created there in the city. Am I speculating on that? Nope. When Furman was sold, the new laundry was to be installed in one of the old factories. Also, the Wallkill computer department, including MEPS and all, were moved to Brooklyn... one of the old factories. Now they'd move them back up... to Patterson next?
No matter which way you look at it and no matter what you think of the is a practical move to get out of NYC
That's true from a secular viewpoint. However, I'd been told that NYC was a great place to be when the tribulation broke out since the attacking governments would be less likely to attack or destroy valuable property in the city. Also, Bethelites could easily escape in dozens of directions and disappear into the crowd of millions of New Yorkers. However, the GB would be trapped at Patterson. All those Bethelites trapped in one easily bombed area with only one entrance road, easily blocked. I hope Hojovah gives them plenty of warning so they can stuff cash into suitcases and drive off before the tanks drive up the entrance and start blasting those drab concrete buildings.
B the X
go, Mary.
you are 100% right....
they want it both ways, and us as the loosers!
If they wanted out in the country, they would have developed Kingdom Farm up at South Lansing, NY. Or they would have gotten property in Pennsylvania, Idaho, Utah, or Texas. Boring. Nothing to interfere with production there.
Hell NO!! We wouldn't have let them in that "country"!!!!!
OMG! "there are so many changes happening, it must mean the end is close". I can just hear the predictability of it all now. It's all so blah!
If they are so cunning then how come they can't even even make sure their new release is in harmony with new development of dropping the book study?
Oh, and I agree that a lot of elders would be falling over themselves to fulfill this role. In the area I live, I can think of one individual who is a 'wannabe CO'. Has been for years. And he is a bully & a manipulator. He will be spraying his pants at the thought of this position (pardon the pun).
The Society has systematically eliminated countless elders who actually cared about the friends. Rules, regulations, overwork and BS drove them out.
So, what's left but bullies, burnouts, company men, and the ineffective?
But in addition to that......
My experience as an elder for many years, left me stunned with how jealous, contentious and just plain hateful these men could be and especially when you are from a different congregation ( i.e. a different 'tribe').
Sure, they'll be nice to you as a visiting speaker..... but try and build an assembly hall with them! ( and don't think that the Society hasn't had to intervene in these fiascos). Many brothers carry vendettas and unforgiving attitudes .....for years towards each other... and they are going to empower these guys?
They are going to end up with a lack of volunteers over all and others who will create a path of wreckage behind them.
Do we need to repeat what the Bible said about 'oppressive wolves' or those who would 'preach' out of contention?
***yb 2004 pp. 21-22 Highlights of the Past Year ***
Regional Printing
On September 1, 2001, seven brothers from different parts of the world were selected to serve as a Printing Study Group. The Governing Body asked these brothers to make a study of all the printing branches around the world and to recommend ways to use these existing facilities to a greater degree. On the basis of the study group’s recommendations, on October 17, 2001, the Governing Body gave approval to regionalize the printing, with each region taking care of its own printing needs. The regions are Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.For further improved efficiencies Ciro Aulicino has offered to oversee the Continental Drift Reversal Group.
Not having read all the posts so excuse me if I repeat what may altready have been stated.
I see this as very significant, because this will cause a big disloyalty among the COs,, think how disheartnening it must be for them as they see the WT give them the boot with little in compansation for thier many years of service with it's currant far less than minimum wage monthly allowance from the WT, along with medical benifits, car exspenses, housing, and food for the week all paid for by the 26 congs or so he visits. Not much to show for all his years of service, now getting the boot from the WT with little interest of providing decently for those let go or fired. Used toliet paper, is a good metaphor for the way the WT treats those who formally served them and are no longer needed.
This to me should have tremendous fallout occurring shortly after annoucement is made official, and many COs start seeing the light so to speak,,, this should have some very significant resulting apostacy and covert activity result in an even more rapid decline in the Organization. The sooner they make thier plan known the worse it will be,, lets all hope sooner with fingers, legs, and eyes crossed that they really screw themselves good on this one.