I believe that these kinds of changes merely serve the interests of the organizational machinery. Cut costs and shore up the power structure. This has become the basic business model of the Watchtower today. Individual needs of the flock be damned.
I am always amazed by the Watchtower's tanacity and ingenuity when it comes to solidifying their centralized power structure at the lowest cost possible. This is like the Soviet Union without the socialism.
What I see the Watchtower doing is focussing all of its attention, resources, and brain-power on controlling human thought and behavior with minimal resources. There is nothing implemented within the organization that is designed to help members with their unique needs, or to cope with the challenges of life. The kinds of youth programs, charity drives, and support groups which are abundant in other churches is completely absent in the JW organization. Such arrangements would not serve the interests of the organizational machinery - which is to distribute literature.
I believe that the Watchtower leadership has a very cynical attitude which believes that whatever is good for the organizational business model, is good for the members. The prevailing view in Brooklyn is that a bare-bones, one size fits all, rigorous treadmill; enforced by a pyramid-like authority structure is what is best for the spiritual enrichment of the flock.
I wonder what must be going through the minds of all of these old Circuit Overseers who have so dutifully served their spiritual mother; believing that a life of servitude would result in rich blessings. Not only is Armageddon a no-show, but now their positions of full time service are being discontinued for the cold pragmaticism of the organizational structure.
I truly believe that we are going to see some former C.O.s begin to come onto the ex-Witness forums in the next few years.