It has been accurately pointed up more than once here - so I merely repeat the facts:
The J-Witnesses are far from being non-political. In fact they take an extreme political position all the time.
Who else has ordered their people to attend federal prison rather than defend country with such success as the WTS? Who else has made a religious issue out of the flag and the national anthem? Who else ordered their people to die rather than buying a stupid little cardboard name-badge for 25 cents in Malawi? Who else has labeled the United States the "King of the South", with the USSR being the "King of the North", thus making the USSR the ultimate winner in the struggle? Who else has labeled all other religion the "Scarlet Whore", and the United Nations to be an "abomination before God", the "Wild Beast" of Revelation? (before they joined the UN for a peek in the library?)
The Witnesses are in fact anti-establishmentarian anarchists. Their hatred of normal human society and normal human government can only be satisfied when (and if! - a big false prophecy if -) their war-Gawd Jeehovah comes down and destroys everybody on earth except for themselves.
Compared to that, the little Republican-Democratic race we have here in the USA is a walk in the park. Hell, Stalin and Hitler were a walk in the park compared to the Witness vision of Harmaggedon.