2 steps: youtube... then assemble http... onto the youtube: OK, makes sense, since those things will "launch" without provocation
by mustang 15 Replies latest jw friends
2 steps: youtube... then assemble http... onto the youtube: OK, makes sense, since those things will "launch" without provocation
Everyone does this at sometime, and the more you have to talk, the more likely it is that you will do this. Obama (and McCain) has to talk more than just about anyone on the planet right now.
Everyone does this at sometime, and the more you have to talk, the more likely it is that you will do this. Obama (and McCain) has to talk more than just about anyone on the planet right now.
Wow, am I actually agreeing with 6of9? This "Obama is a cryptomuslim" is a tired canard. BTS
Seriously this guy has got no hope of winning. Democrats who voted for him over Hillary made a terrible mistake.
Exactly how does a 46-45% lead for McCain in the current poll translate into "no hope" for Obama? No hope? Go ahead, delude yourself.
Exactly how does a 46-45% lead for McCain in the current poll translate into "no hope" for Obama? No hope? Go ahead, delude yourself.
What if Obama loses?