On decorating trees

by Yerusalyim 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    As Liza, the kids, and I were decorating the Christmas tree last night, my mind went back to our first Christmas together 6 years ago. One of the first questions Liza asked was "you're not going to put up a tree, are you?" Typical JW conditioning. I reminded her that she knew I was a practicing Catholic when we married, and that Christmas trees are part of my tradition that I had NOOOO intention of giving up.

    Guess who took over decorating for the Holidays that year, and every year since. That's right, my once JW wife. The kids thought it was great fun too. In typical Puerto Rican fashion she over decorates with gaudy abandon, and I love to watch her go.

    The kids, Catholic and Jw alike jump in and help with the same enthusiasm. Sean, the soon to be 19 year old (2 Dec is his B'day) led in singing along with the Christmas Carols coming over the Cable Radio station.

    We will light our first Advent candle on Sunday. We also light Chanukah candles begining the evening of 9 Dec. Sean pointed out how much he enjoys having traditions, ANY Traditions, something that was denied him in his JW childhood home. He's looking forward to celebrating his B'day on Sunday, as are we all.

    I'm actually looking forward to the holiday cooking. I've almost perfected my "Christmas Pudding" I can't decide between Turkey and Ham for the main course, so we may have both. I'd considered Duck or Goose but quickly dismissed the idea as these meats are SOOOOO rich, I really don't like the flavor.

    It's a pretty cheery holiday type mood around the house these days. We're having great fun.

    So, what are your holiday traditions. Do you exchange gifts the evening of Christmas eve or in the morning? When do you have your meal?

    It's trully a joy and a blessing to have these traditions. I thank God that I can celebrate them freely and richly in this country. So many others can't because of financial or political realties that just plain SUCK!

    For all you Loyal dubs out there, if wedding rings have lost their pagan meaning, than so too truly has the Tanin Baum of Christmas. The Yule Log, Holly and mistletoe. We celebrate the fact that Jesus came, and will come again. We celebrate the gift of family and friends, we celebrate LIFE! I'm so sorry that so many JW's and others are missing out.
    "May God Bless Us, EVERYONE!"

    As a side note, one of my best Christmas memories comes from Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. I was in the middle of the desert no tree, no gift exchange, left simply with the spiritual meditation of Jesus' Advent. It also led me to appreciate how much God wants us to celebrate his action in our lives. God wants us to celebrate, why do you think he gave so many festivals to the Jews?

    "One man considers one day more sacred than another, another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God."Rom 14:5-6
    In light of this scripture, how can the Dubs propose to judge me for observing Christmas as a special and holy day, I do so to the Lord.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Yerusalyim

    What, no one has any Christmas traditions they'd like to share? Dagnabit

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • JeffT

    People who know Debbie and I well enough to know we've been married 27 years, but don't know much about dubs are very confused by our Hallmark ornament that says "1989-Our first Christmas together."

  • Tina

    Been doing the holiday thing for years now. I LOVE IT. It wasn't hard to do as half the family was never Jw anyway,and visited them,had dinners,etc around that time.

    Lemme see. I never have a big regular tree cuz this place is damned small.lol But I do a tabletop mini-one. I decorate the windows,bought holiday dishes etc.

    I took on the nonJW family tradition of opening gifts on xmas eve.
    Dinner depends on that various work schedules here. Either day,one year a few days before so as to be together.
    We're flexible.
    I use the extra time to bake a lot of traditional Italian goodies. Calzones,biscotti etc.
    I also make Challah always have even when going to kh.
    My hubby,Danny just got introduced to lox and challah a a few weeks ago. I didn't realize he'd never had them before. I said,Nu? What a kvetch! lol(can ya tell I've worked w/ too many jewish docsa and therapists?lol) I've attended wonderful seders as well.

    My Mom told me years ago that the my maternal grandmothers people came from The Schwazenwald,all were lost during WW2,as uncle in the service attempted to find them when he was there. For some reason that was a hush hush subject in the fam/

    Anyway,we visit a lot,have re-connected with the non_JW family members. It's a pretty social time as well as family .
    Basically we have a lot of enjoyment.
    We go downtown to look at the decorated store windows.Guess that's a tradition.
    The Nutcracker Ballet always runs around the holidays,see that too.
    I also serve xmas dinner at one of the homeless shelters.

    For many years(secretly even before I left) I wrote to the military personal every xmas-via dear Abby.
    During the Saudi war,I made a couple of close friends. I have a flag that is certified as having flown in the area by a crew flying one of the warthogs,someone else sent me a bottle of Saudi sand and many pics!! I was also invited to his retirement ceremony in Az.

    I received an hour long video a Sarge took of himself and pals-A day in the Life of a Soldier in Bosnia. Still have these mementos of friendship and cherish them. I have A Ranger tab,sweatshirt from an embassy marine in Norway,many pins etc. All this was very unexpected as I just sent them cookies and stuff like that.I had aSSGT write me and ask me to send letters and to put perfume on them,he said made the tent he was in smell better than the guys feet! lololol SO I did for his entire tour.
    Soldiers are the BEST!! I guess I need to then the American military here,not for just helping me re-connect with the larger human family and getting back into what the holidays are REALLY about-PEOPLE,but for their service to our country. MERRY XMAS dear men and women in all branches!! You gave me a gift that can never be matched or repaid!wherever you are! You are thought of and loved!!
    Anyway,I ramble.lol luv,T
    Now we couldn't write this year and I feel something important is missing. Other than that it's a wonderful time!

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Princess

    Hi Yeru! We are starting new traditions every year. We have been easing our way into Christmas as the kids get older. We always go to downtown Seattle a few days before Christmas with my brother and his family to ride the holiday carousel and buy new ornaments. Christmas Eve is spent with the Prince's family (step-brother's ranch) we exchange and open gifts with them. Christmas day we open our gifts then have a big gingerbread waffle breakfast complete with bacon (only day I cook bacon and/or sausage). Last year my parents and grandpa came over for prime rib dinner.

    I love decorating the house and I'm doing more this year since the Prince's sister and husband are traveling here from Boston for Christmas. We are going to his mom's next weekend and will cut down a tree on our way back home. She lives on 20 acres in the small town of Castle Rock at the base of Mt St Helens. I have a party for the neighborhood every year. We never get to do more than wave to most and the occasional chat over the proverbial fence with the rest. It's nice to have a few hours every year to talk with everyone in a relaxed party atmosphere.

    This year the death of loved ones has brought the family together on several occasions and the last few have left the JWs. I am having a family Christmas party on the 22nd. Our first. We have each done our own celebrations, and some have done no celebrating but this year I thought it would be important to re-connect at Christmas and have a little wine together.

    Mulan has a couple things she likes to do with the kids at Christmas, I'll let her tell about them.

    Merry Christmas everyone,

  • FideiDefensor

    I live in Longview just south of Castle Rock. I graduated from Castle Rock many years ago. Was living there when St. Helens blew. Was something to behold. Have a merry Christmas.


  • siegswife

    Christmas...what is my Christmas...I'm very ambivalent about Christmas. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with JW crap, it's more about personal history and econimics.

    As a kid, Christmas was a time for the old man to get drunk and...well...Christmas Eve was usually a time of tears. For that reason, the JW prohibition never really affected me. My sons were allowed to spend Christmas with their dad and his family and my nonJW family, so they didn't really miss out and I didn't miss it either. I didn't agree with the Societies reasons for not celebrating it, but it was no sweat off my back. I thought my misgivings might be imperfection on my part...lack of understanding...*sigh*

    Now...I honestly like Christmas except for one thing. I never feel like I can do enough. I have loads of kids(not all mine) that I like to buy for (about 15 or so), not to mention the adult kids and sisters and brothers and....you get the picture. We're not rich by any stretch of the imagination, and start feeling like the grinch because of having to worry about it...but...by Christmas, everything is usually under control and I realize that I shouldn't have worried about those things to begin with.

    Traditions? There you go....LOL

  • waiting


    Know how you feel about the drunk adults at Christmas! Was a way of life for us to manuever around them - their hugs got *really* sloppy during that time. Not always, but enough I used to just go to my room and stay as soon as the meal was over.

    I do always remember 3-4 am getting my parents up - opening the stuff. We were lower middle class, so there wasn't a huge amount - but it was still nice. Most years, it was a good memory. Some were pure hell.

    Last year, our first, we didn't do anything & I had a headache. My daughter and her husband just MADE us come over for dinner - his older teenage daughters were coming too. We had a good time. Absolutely No Big Deal - but a nice gathering.

    My husband's brother elder had some digs to say about it....but I'm getting used to that crap.

    This year.....I have a wreath, all natural stuff, red berry ornaments, etc. Getting into it a tad more. My gift giving is getting better too - getting the hang of it.

    I hope to do more next year!

    waiting - who is going to Fla. this xmas, get away from it all.

  • jayhawk1

    I thought about making mine a seperate thread, but then I decided to post here and hope several people read it, and give me ideas.

    This is my first Christmas. Even though I left 1 year and 4 months ago, I didn't have anybody to celebrate Christmas with. This year, I went to the local grocery store and saw a little live tree. This tree is one I will plant in my yard next spring. It has a few small decorations on it, so it is definitly a Christmas tree. Although all of my presents are at my girl friend's house, I have my first tree. I am not sure how big into Christmas I will get, but this year, I feel like I have made a clean break from my old life. The best news is, I planned ahead, and I don't need to go fight the crowds at the mall.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

    Jeremy's Hate Mail Hall Of Fame.
    http://hometown.aol.com/onjehovahside/ and [email protected]

  • waiting

    Well, jayhawk, that story would melt anyone's heart. And who said guys can't be tender hearted? Well, many say that, but that's beside the point.

    I've seen a lot of those live trees which you can later plant. Sort of like a live Christmas legacy, eh? Nice thought.

    Hope you and your girlfriend enjoy your first Christmas celebration!


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