I am overwhelmed with gratitude, to know that each and every one of you could feel my pain at losing Dakie. I know with Dirk's helpand urging I could bring you into my experience and make you feel my desolation, agony of seeing my beautiful son dead. Could immediate blood transfusions have saved Dak? I'm not sure, we lost so much time when his Dad refused at the 1st hospital.
I urge you please share my story with everyone who is a Jehovah's Witness now. If I can save a child's life through my loss of Dak, then I will feel somehow Dak did not die in vain. I think of all of you looking down on the sleeping faces of you children the trust they hold in you to make sounds decision for them to protect and keep them health and alive. I remember so often holding Dak as a little guy and singing "row, row, row your boat" and seeing his trusting dark eyes fixed on my face smiling. He felt I would never let him down, but I did in not standing up against his Dad to save him with blood transfusions. Drew and Dirk assure me I should never blame myself but I was the adult and responsible too. I was his Mom and I failed him by letting a religion convince me they had directions from God concerning blood transfusions, and it was my sacred duty to always refuse such medical treatment. I was totally fooled, and as a result I didn't protect Dak as I should have. His father glorys in his refusal to saving Dak's life, but I know better now.
Thank you all for your comments, I appreciate so much that you are all moved.
Here is Dak McGill's memorial Web-Site I keep up for him. Sadly his Dad nor his brother have ever said anything on here but please see the video of pictures of our once happy happy.
http://www.mem.com/Story.aspx?ID=9894 DAK ELLIOT MCGILL
Ruth Baker - Balsam