When I was 16 weeks pregnant with my last baby, he was diagnosed with a condition called cystic hygroma (also known as cystic lymphangioma). He had a huge sack of lymphatic fluid that grew off the neck of my baby like a big balloon. He had the more deadly septatious version...where the sack was divided into sectors. This sack went from the head of the fetus down to his mid-back (ultrasound pics are available.)
I was still a JW at the time. The medical field suggested that it would be best that I abort my baby, because there was and 80 percent or more chance it would either have a chromosomal abnormality, heart, brain, or liver defects. They gave him a very little chance of survival even, stating that most pregnancies in which this occurs, a condition called fetal hydrops occurs, and the fetus dies, usually by the 25th week.
I wanted to abort. I was hoping that it would happen spontaneously. He was my 6th baby - the father was abusive to my other kids and myself. It was his first baby. But, my JW conscious chose to let "j" decide.
By the 28th week, this baby was kicking...and Im thinking for a baby that's supposed to by dying, he's kicking pretty hard...
He turned 11 this month. He's challenged mentally, with an IQ of around 74. He's no trouble. He's not autistic in any way...just slow. I wouldn't think for a moment to "send him back." He has no chromosomal, heart, liver, or any heath issues...He brings joy to our lives. I guess what I'm trying to say is that...
Sometimes abortion for medical reasons is (in my opinion) a good option. Sometimes the medical profession is wrong. No one should be judged for the choice they make. The medical profession is not infallible; and, as a result, you could take their advice and abort a perfect fetus. Or, the medical profession coud be right, and you could give birth to a child with a defect. As in my case, it could be somewhere in the middle. Either way, in my opinion, it is up to the individuals (mom & dad) to make that descision, and no one should judge another's choice.