When did Jesus approve the organization?

by sacolton 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    What publication/source does the Watchtower claim that Jesus approved the organization in 1918?

  • asilentone

    PM Atlantis, I think he would help you with that.

  • leavingwt

    January 15, 2008 Watchtower magazine:

    When Christ inspected the faithful and discreet slave’ in 1918, he found those anointed ones on earth to be faithful in providing spiritual ‘food at the proper time.’ Hence, Jesus was pleased thereafter to appoint them “over all his belongings.” (Read Matthew 24:45-47)

    Sorry, I don't have the page number.

  • leavingwt




    On inspecting the remnant of his anointed disciples in the year 1919 C.E., the reigning King Jesus Christ did find the appointed "slave" faithful and discreet in the feeding of his "domestics." Accordingly, he appointed this "slave" class over all his belongings. Their enlarged responsible position now was that of serving in fulfillment of the now due Kingdom prophecies. All through the centuries the "faithful and discreet slave" class has been made up of those who are "ambassadors substituting for Christ," which ambassadors make an entreaty to people to become reconciled to God through Christ.

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    When i talked to the brothers about this date.. which is graphically gone into in "captives of a concept" the elders were spitting out the WRONG dates... and THEY DIDN"T EVEN KNOW!

    AHHHAAAAA. Thats how much they screw with it.. so much they cant keep it straight~!


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I thought this happened in 1975 when Jesus saw how the "slave class" was "faithful and discreet" when it came to false prophecies............................Fredrick Franz was a Jackass!

  • Balsam

    I recall over the years this being said. I used to wonder how in the world would they know they were approved by God or not. How did he let them know, dream, angel what? I know one time in out in service a woman said you JW's thing God is only in favor of your group. I said nothing because I know she was stating the truth. She went on how do you know that, how did God let you know they were the only ones. I admitted I didn't know but would try to find out. She agreed I should. I went home and read up on it and basically all I could fine was that the resumption of the preachings work, and Rutherford resumming control of the Watchtower society was proof. Well I had nothing of concrete facts to present and never went back. This was some 3 years before I left the JW's, but everytime it was brought up at meetings I would ask around and no elder knew how they knew Jehober was with them. Well I thought this is the same thing we accused other religions of doing. My door to door work really dropped off.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy
    I used to wonder how in the world would they know they were approved by God or not. How did he let them know, dream, angel what?

    You'd think like how He did Jesus.

    This is my beloved organization in whom I am well pleased alt

  • civicsi00

    It was supposedly in 1918. Although they weren't appointed with Holy Spirit to teach all things since Rutherford began to state in 1919 that angels were now ministering to him. Thus, the "spirit-directed" organization was born then, and has continued since.

  • AnnOMaly

    Revisionist JW history says, 1918 was the Inspection. Then they went off into 'Babylonish captivity' to be cleansed. Then 1919 was the Appointment for faithfulness and discretion.

    Period literature says,

    w36 3/15 The Lord's Day part 1 p.87

    17 But how about 1918, the beginning of the day of the Lord Jesus Christ when coming to the temple for judgment? Did that come as a thief in the night? It certainly did. Even to this very hour no one aside from those who are devoted to Jehovah has an understanding of the Lord Jesus' coming to the temple. ...

    21 ... Likewise the foolish virgin class now soundly asleep and are inactive and in darkness. Prior to 1918 all 'Christendom' was, and since is, beastly drunk, like night revelers, filled with and befuddled by the strong drink of Satan's joy in persecuting Jehovah's witnesses and in endeavoring to destroy the WATCH TOWER SOCIETY. Also all 'Christendom' was and is in darkness, and willingly so. (2 Pet. 3:5) Therefore, all such being in darkness, the Lord Jesus Christ has overtaken them as a thief overtakes the sleepers and drunken ones in the night.

    22. Even the 'faithful servant' class, the remnant, did not discern the coming of the Lord to the temple at the time it occurred. Those faithful ones were fully trusting in the Lord and waiting upon him, yet it was not until 1922 that the Lord revealed to them that he was at the temple for judgment.

    Watch Tower 1922, May 1, p.132

    Jesus clearly indicated that during his second presence he would have among his church a faithful and wise servant, through whom he would give to the household of faith meat in due season. The evidence is overwhelming concerning the Lord's second presence, the time of the harvest, and that the office of 'that servant' has been filled by Brother Russell. This is not man-worship by any means. It matters not who Charles T. Russell was - whether he was a doctor, a hod-carrier or a seller of shirts. St. Peter was a fisherman: St. Paul was a lawyer. But these matters are immaterial. Above all, these men were the chosen vessels of the Lord. Regardless of his earthly vocation, above all, Brother Russell was the Lord's servant. Then to repudiate him and his work is equivalent to a repudiation of the Lord, upon the principle heretofore announced.

    So when Jesus was inspecting a class in 1918, not only didn't they know about any inspection then, but they also didn't think the 'faithful and wise servant' was a class - only coming to that realization in 1927. Therefore, they would have had no idea that a class of faithful and discreet ones was rewarded in 1919.

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