JWs and Alternative Medicine.

by easyreader1970 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    Do you know any Witnesses who are heavily into alternative medicine? I know a few. Two anti-doctor Witnesses I am very familiar with are my mother-in-law and my used-to-be best friend's aunt. By alternative medicine I mean holistic healing, herbal treatments, etc. These people don't go to regular doctors but go to self-proclaimed specialists (I call them shamans) who tell them what foods and plants to eat that will make them all better. Medicine is evil (they will tell you).

    There is this shaman, supposedly, that has a magical machine. You can be hooked up (anal probe??) to this machine and it will tell you everything, EVERYTHING that is wrong with you, whether you are showing any obvious symptoms or not. It can tell you normal things like whether your blood pressure is too high, but it can also tell you if you have any other ailments that are not visible.

    My wife half believes in them, mostly due to her mothers second-hand tales of miracles. Personally, I think it's all placebo effect. The people BELIEVE that the magical ointments are working and so therefore they do. Power of suggestion. Possibly there wasn't anything wrong to begin with. There was a woman who had pancreatic cancer. Her doctor told her she had six months to live. She started going to one of the witch doctors and she lived eighteen months beyond that. See, it works! We have no way to know that if she had NOT gone to the mystical shaman whether she would have survived anyway.

    My mother believes even differently. She is more on a Tom Cruise level. She pretty much believes that even the shaman's are lame and that, especially with dealing with mental problems, you can overcome all of that stuff completely with just a little bit of therapy (never mind that she has a sister that has been institutionalized for the past fifteen years, therapy be damned).

    I bring this up now because, as I have said in another topic, my son is having serious behavioral/mental issues and we have appointment for him to see a child specialist. My wife has loose lips and she is telling people that he is having these problems (before any professional has even attempted to diagnosed them). So now all of these different people are trying to get my wife to try all of these different things. Nobody tells me anything because I am sure they know I don't believe in mumbo jumbo. I know that modern medicine is not perfect and that pharmaceutical companies are screwing up the bodies and minds of alot of people, but at least I can verify that the doctors that prescribe these medications have at least been to school (yay for higher education!). These other people have certificates printed from dot matrix printers in the 1980s.


  • Finally-Free
    These other people have certificates printed from dot matrix printers in the 1980s.

    Considering the amount of money these witch doctors charge, they should be able to afford colour laser printers by now. If not, they just need to wrap a few extra kids in cabbage leaves...

    I knew a lot of JWs who used the "blood issue" as an excuse to trash the entire medical profession, and went only to chiropractors, irodologists, reflexologists, homeopaths, etc.


  • jamiebowers

    I've heard that my mom and a crew of jws from her congregation from Western PA. travel about three hours to the PA/OH border to see some quack who claims that he can diagnose any medical problem by reading a person's eyes...yes, that's right...reading eyes. So far, he's diagnosed one of my cousins with lukemia and ordered him to bathe in epsom's salt, I think. He also gave my aunt some herbs that relieved constipation, but a regular doctor removed some pulups during a colonoscopy, and she's fine now. The eye reading doctor supposedly told my mom that he couldn't read her eyes, because her body contained too much acid, which means she's allegedly filled with cancer. It's been a couple of years, and she's not dead yet and hasn't even been diagnosed with cancer.

  • easyreader1970

    You dare doubt the mysticism of the shamans! Curse be upon you!!

  • blondie

    I think the 11/15/08 WT has a study article on the problems that crop up for the WTS re alternative medicine.

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    It's not alternative medicine that's the problem. The problem is phony scam artists that offer things that aren't true.

  • BluesBrother

    I agree that there is a much higher than normal support of alternative medicine among the dubs. Causes ? might be :

    1} They are taught to reject "The World and it's wisdom" . They are mentally on the outside of society, they disbelieve scientists, see politicians as the tools of Satan, and view the churches as evil...so why should they respect medicine?

    2} The blood issue means that they reject doctors advice on that part of treatment. The WT teaches them that doctors are wrong..If the doc says you need blood , they know better. It is a natural progression to assume what many of them think, i e that "Doctors know nothing"

    I reckon the majority of "the sisters" would go to a alternative practitioner a some time.It would preferably be another dub. I have known several with full patient lists from within the movement...

  • mcsemike

    The central New Jersey area had dozens of congregations that had JW's going to some people who read eyes by looking at the irises and seeing spots, blemishes, whatever. Some of the things they claimed people had were outrageous, almost as bad as that "ebola" machine or whatever it was called back in Russell's day.

    I don't know what it is about JW's that makes them fall for all this crap. The guy who read eyes did it in a back office of his vitamin store. Of course after each "exam" he suggested the victim buy dozens of bottles of expensive vitamins.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Is Shaklee alternative medicine?

    I know a brother that had this a**bag elder always having parties with the idea of sticking it to the brethren by selling them that crap. he never bought it from him or anyone. Then I knew this other bro who always bought it and had stomach trouble. The real doc had him xrayed and tested. The crap stayed in his bowel and created a blockage that nearly killed the bro. Apparently it was so tightly packed that it won't digest. He tried to sue the sonofabisquit-eater but the boe shut him down....

  • Fadeout

    The organization has a culture of not trusting anything mainstream in Satan's world, which makes it more vulnerable to these quacks. Remember the electronic radio biola?

    They've always been on the fringe of medicine, from rejecting vaccination to the current ban on blood. They're basically a step away from faith healing, or one of those cults that prays instead of going to the doctor. From what I've seen a lot of JWs are into wierd new-age crap like that thing where you hold a pill in your hand and see if that arm gets stronger, really stupid crap like that.


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