Taking my Mom to see it. I love Bill Maher and I miss his show. No more HBO right now. Thanks for the thumbs up.
Religulous with Bill Maher I just saw it
by seven006 121 Replies latest jw friends
tophat, something tells me you shouldn't teach your grandma to suck eggs. Dave isn't scared of much, you should shut up and read someones posts instead of broad sweeping generalizations. Doubt it will help what with your usual boneheaded knee-jerk posting style, but it's worth a try.
PS HI DAVE!!!! -
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I plan to see it tomorrow night. I disagree with you that religious people wouldn't enjoy this movie. From what I've heard, even religious people like all the parts that don't apply to their particular religion. Good laughs for everybody. Go BILL !!
The only time religious people are scary are when they hold political power and try to legislate morality based on some ancient book or use their power to steer public funds towards a particular religion, thus supporting one religion and thereby discrimnating against other religions and against non-believers.
Juni, I saw it with my son………he loved it too……..I hope your daughter likes it……………..Choosing, same goes with your mommy…..sounds like it’s a real good family bonding type movie……Just like Old Yeller and Passion of the Christ, just without the main character dieing at the end, I just hate movies where that happens…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..Sam, buddy…… quit picking on the womens and hi back at’cha bald guy… How your little daughter doing?……………………………..………Gopher,……………….I said “CLOSE-MINDED religious people should not see it,…….not religious people in general. . . . CLOSE MINDED people don’t like anything they are told to not like, so…they can just save the nine bucks or send it to me and I’ll give it to Jesus when I see him…..I promise……………………………………………………………………………………..There is a catholic priest in the movie who comes off as extremely open minded………I don’t think he is going to be a priest very much longer…………bummer……………………………………………………………………………………………..for those reading this who wonder about the rows of dots in my posts, the computer I post on is a Mac and I am too lazy and not interested enough to jump through all the coding hoops to make it look right for this Mac unfriendly PC coded site. If it bothers anyone I say you all gang up and beat the hell out of me………that will teach me!!!!!!!
I saw it this evening... I thoroughly enjoyed it... Having said that, I didn't used to like Bill Maher, but over the last four months I've kind of awakened from the cognitive dissonance I had which didn't allow me to address my doubts while still believing in the divinity of the bible.
Do you think this movie will cause people to see the fallacy of their beliefs?
Do you think it will cause anyone to question the teachings of the "church" or "gog"?
Do you think it will help cause "The great falling away" or has that already happened?
Maybe it'll enlighten a few people. America (as you know) is highly religious. Humor can be a powerful weapon to break through entrenched thinking. Maybe some folks will come to understand that religion = superstition after they see this. Or it'll just 'preach to the non-converted'.
Yep Dave -- you did say "close-minded" religious people. I hope that most religious people would be able to have a sense of humor, and even if they don't agree with it just accept that this movie another POV.
I used to hate Bill Maher. But I'm really hoping this film makes it to Ireland (if not, I'll wait for the DVD). I think the good thing that'll come from this is that Atheists will realize they're not alone, and be more willing to be open about their thoughts.
So does the film mention any Jewish superstitions?
Does it mention JWs at all?